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Everything posted by Ohiostyle

  1. What you're seeing is hubris, not confidence
  2. Take a team that needed luck and productivity from the draft class, and thin them even further than before. This year will no doubt be ugly.
  3. Gimme an entire team full of talented thugs. The league can't suspend them all. Meanwhile we'll mop the floor with your character team.
  4. Dumb, I only support them financially when they are moving toward winning. Yesterday's moves were exactly the opposite for several years. The draft is a crapshoot, most players bust from all rounds. Maybe it works in the volume they are gathering them, but no one will know for years. Between then and now, be prepared to be really awful.
  5. The NFL draft is like scratch off tickets Sometimes you win a little Most times you lose Every now and then you break even You hear stories of others winning big, but don't ever know anyone personally who has They've sacrificed a lot for scratch off tickets
  6. This is insanity.
  7. Can't justify spending a nickle on this team for years to come. If they are sacrificing the near term for the long, then my money will sit out as well.
  8. We should probably begin gathering picks the next GM, beginning in 2021. He'll need them after this GM's and the one priors picks haven't yet begun to pan out. He can use the picks now and the ones from his inevitable purge, to have the ultimate mathematical draft advantage.
  9. On the record?... They stink. Multiple seasons gone, all for the crapshoot that is the draft.
  10. Ugh... This undoubtedly means an awful season. Without the usual ability to lie to ourselves about contending. Both player returns on this are gone after this year, this hurts the team for years to come over a new GM's hubris that he can draft better players than the stars we already have. Best of luck. Even if he's right, the fans will run both GM and coach out of town before the returns are seen.
  11. I have no issue with this because I'm a prime subscriber, but I see this being an issue for cable or OTA folks. Seems another case of the NFL taking corporate money, without considering what it does to the avg fan. Now a fan who enjoys TNF has to shell out $99 for 10 games/yr? If I didn't already subscribe to AP, I'd probably opt for MACtion on Thursday nights.
  12. Lol @ the haters. Anything short of this says to me they were forfeiting this and a few other seasons in favor of a rebuild.
  13. "We've both got a future in this business, but it won't be here"
  14. there's a long offseason ahead. Usually I'm jonesing for BB FB by July, so if I missed this I'd be a fool.
  15. Ouch, things have become desperate for you. I can't image a world where I start EJ in FF
  16. I'm on board with this
  17. continuity, especially at the qb position goes a long way toward this. I just don't feel TT has performed poorly enough to disrupt that. Finding QB's who perform even at his level is hard to find. Waiting on the next Kelly or Brady or whatever could lead to the next 20 years being filled with more awfulness. Retreads, drafting one every two years is a lottery heavily weighted against you. TT can win with a solid D and better weapons, and protection!
  18. Smith is making a living off of slant routes, 5 yd dig routes.
  19. I want to keep TT, but I'm ready to let him go just so this crusade will end.
  20. Probably.. it's what I predict. Not only that, I predict he brings them from the depths of suckitude. I watched him play nearly all his HS ball, he grew up running a spread option O. Has tons of talent, the pedigree, maturity. He'll be a good pro at worst. 10 play, 97 yards in 1:11 to give the team a chance to tie on a two point try was impressive. The Cardinal sold out the blitz and beat em. It was a shame. The ref stripped him on the fumble. Seriously, check out the video.
  21. And a bottle of hooch on the dresser
  22. TG is close to blacklisted from reading his stuff, and followed on Twitter. Insanely talented writer, but his penchant for negativity is becoming too much.
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