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Everything posted by Ohiostyle

  1. At the Pitt preseason game I saw a fan wearing a Brady jersey took a lot of abuse, he later got ejected, as I suspect he was doing a lot of trolling, and it nearly led to a fight. He left with arms raised, egging on the crowd. At the Bills/Browns MNF game there was what was described to me as a 6'4" 400lb man standing in a Bills jersey outside the bathroom punching opposing fans in the gut as they walked out of the bathroom. The browns fans next to me believed they'd need to buy bills gear to leave safely.
  2. Every bit of film I've seen, Sammy is nearly always open. I cannot for the life of me figure out why none of these qb's are throwing him the ball. It has to come to an end at some point, he genuinely looks uncoverable.
  3. Were they ever really? Perhaps if the TBD'er didn't go so over the top stereotypical NYC, it could have more staying power. Could we ever find out which one it is? I'm dying to know.
  4. Was there, this is very true. Still wanna know how Phil Dawson makes a 59 yarder....
  5. Molest him like you're Michael Jackson and he's an 8 year old boy. Penalties seem better than allowing him to beat you.
  6. Gameday! Beat those rainbow warriors!
  7. There is no limit with this team. The Red Sox were a little disproportionate race -wise a few years ago to. Not sure where they're at now, I'm just glad they're finally irrelevant. Seriously though, these radio "abnormalities" tonight, are surely suspicious. A reference to DeAngelo Williams hair tonight?
  8. Oh glorious day! Now I can buy his jersey worry-free!!
  9. But is he "elite"? I want PFF's take on this. Also, Skip Bayless, and Stephen A. Smith will need to weigh in as well. Without their input I won't have talking points at the water cooler.
  10. Big win... that I was thoroughly unimpressed with. Zeke is the animal we thought he was, Braxton is much better at flanker than I expected, or even hoped, nearly every other facet I was disappointed in. If Brewer doesn't get hurt, I shutter to think of how that game ends up. It'll be weeks before there's another test for this group. I hope they use that time to begin to perfect their craft. GO BUCKS!!!
  11. This is just a classic case of serving content up on a platter.... quality suffers at the expense of quantity. This time of year they're taking advantage of our ferver, thinking no one will notice.
  12. Uh... First I've heard. What's the story here? Anything to it?
  13. Fully understand the money and performance side of this, but I thought he could be buried somewhere on the roster and used sparingly for one more year. So, so sad
  14. Does anyone here know if the free Sunday ticket given to first time subscribers includes "max" (eg. online access)? I've got two people who subscribed this year and they'd be happy to share their logins w/me. I'm still fuzzy on whats included though.
  15. Are you using the app or through your phones browser? The app (android) was the only way I could get it to work, no pc or browser could. Every 10 min or so it get "This video is currently unavailable. Please try again later." So I have to restart the video. IMO, totally not ready for primetime, and I thought the preseason app was pretty good in years past.
  16. I feel the same way. I have local mom and pop pizza shops around here with better online purchase systems.
  17. Woah, is their website a holy piece of $H!*. I like promo and other tried to sign up for the trial. My scenario went, 1. Click sign up for free 7 day trial 2. Enter CC info to "green checkmark" then back to main page where ultimately nothing happened and I wasn't given the opportunity to do anything but repeat step 1. To correct it, I had to check the "save my cc info" box and then suddenly it works. I only got one email, so I hope their aren't 4 or so "holds" on my account. NOW I click the gamepass link on the gamecenter page for tonights game. I then go to a page that reads "launch player". I click that, and then it asks me to log in again. Once it done that, I get redirected to step 1 above. This is absurd.
  18. Such mixed feelings for me on this subject. The voyer in me wants to tune in, the other side would like to keep the dirty laundry private, or at least speculative.
  19. Glad its only one game. Age 18-26 were some really rough years for me, I'm not sure even a big $ contract would have slowed me down. He gets a pass in my book, other than, what kind if idiot smokes synthetic weed?
  20. And this was going to be the first year since 95 that I wasn't going to buy Madden. Now I've got all these talented targets, how can I resist?
  21. Well I had a blast. Too many stories to tell, I couldn't even try to do it justice.
  22. Thanks for the link Kirby. Go Bucks!
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