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Concrete Buffalo Feet

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Everything posted by Concrete Buffalo Feet

  1. I wouldn't mind copying the redskins and drafting the highest rated Qb a with our first pick and maybe take Tyler Bray later since he declared.
  2. Even with the int Gilmore is having a tough game...
  3. McIntyre blocks left and the backs go up the middle???
  4. Not a great pass but still could have been caught after looking at the replay...
  5. This... Bootlegs destroy him everytime!
  6. A blind squirrel finds a nut... I like Fitz and his grit but his accuracy and deep ball are below average. A franchise QB hits Jones in stride for a td instead of high and behind him causing him too be tackled before the goal line earlier in the game. Franchise Qbs hit Chandler for the game winner. Fitz had one of his better games but a franchise QB is our #1 need. ....and a decent DC, the D is drowning this team.
  7. I'm dealing with a torn ligament in my elbow. Also had a fractured bone with the same injury that's since been healed. The ligament tear has been a nightmare to live and work with. Can only imagine how it would affect a player hand swatting and fighting to get to the QB. I've been told 6 months recovery for the elbow so props to Mario on playing through it and to hoping the surgery turns his season around!!!! Go BILLS!!!!
  8. Be nice to see the season turn around with a W today followed by another next week. One can dream can't he???
  9. Just would be nice to be relevant again...
  10. And to think before the season I thought we'd have a top 5-10 defense...?
  11. Same feeling in my stomach that I've grown so familiar too on Sunday afternoons...
  12. Well, they are passing with ease(no pressure), running with ease...,come on O!
  13. Uhummm... Defensive adjustments please!!! I would like to have bragging rights for the next year here in Tn.
  14. A three and out would make me soooo happy!
  15. Oh my god, that's unwatchable!!! Just terrible...
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