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Everything posted by JoeF

  1. Or Kick--remember Scott Norwood
  2. Anyone in here seen Bob Kraft's Super Bowl Ring....come to think of it..Bob is just one "o" short of Boob...I never thought of it that way.
  3. I heard that Gary Moody from Gardenir, Maine was a real sh--head and this confirms it. The cops should have locked him in there.
  4. Pete Kendall, Rick Demulling--Hors douvres on Benny Anderson's and Chris Villarrial's plate of life. Mularkey likes his gaurds big, nasty and limited. Wants them to use phrases like: "Bennie love Sheriff Mularkey." "Chris crush Nose Tackle to spring Willis for Sheriff Mularkey." Okay you three (including VA)-- Hows this for a compromise, can you all agree: 1) We need more veteran depth at offensive tackle 2) That we should not pay more than the market will bear for anyone still on the market. Ross Verba will retire if he is true to his word, but something tells me his promise to retire was like Streisand's and Baldwin's promise to move to Canada. 3) We should continue to survey the market and sign one more offensive tackle, who actually has started at least 2 or more seasons at OT in the NFL if at all possible. Wayne Gandy, Verba, Kenyatta Walker all meet this criteria, as does Todd Steussie (apparent 'roid ranger that he is). Signee will compete with existing crew for the LT spot. If not the basis for an agreement--argue on....I was watching The Negotiator on TBS last night so I am in the mood to be an intermediary.
  5. Is he related to Ricky Williams? Drug suspension should get him then..... Oh, you mean upright....nevermind....
  6. The marketplace for Verba is developing very slowly. Given his off the field track record, his "me first" attitude and the investigated but unsubstaniated and uncharged allegations of two rapes at his residence, this is not shocking. There is a lot of baggage with Ross Verba...not sure the Bills want to take that risk, but if they did want to--with the reworking of Big Mike's bonus, they definitely have room to sign him to a contract worth more than he is being offered. We'll see how it plays out. Personally, I think TD is waiting for the Wayne Gandy situation in NO to play out. I think he drafted Gandy and probably has him rated over Verba as a citizen and equal to Verba as a player. If he is going add another competitor for LT he doesn't want to risk a head case. The fact is we need veteran depth at the Tackle position even if the team is sold on Mike Gandy..we still haven't added two veteran tackles to replace the two we lost (Jennings and Price)--we have added just one (Mike Gandy)...I would be very scared going into the season with Dylan McFarland and Jason Peters as our back-up tackles. We need more veteran depth. Whether the depth can beat out Mike Gandy remains to be seen.
  7. Signed through the 2007 season. According to the NFL Players Association web-site his base salaries are 2005 $4 M 2006 $5 M 2007 $5 M The cap hits including bonuses are all in $9-10 M range--the announced restructuring gets this years figure down to $7 M but puts 2006 and 2007 in the $10 M range. He could be the best right tackle in history and probably not justify the cap hit. The expectation when drafted was that he would be a premier LT which would put him about average elite salary and bonus wise. With the free agents we have coming up the next two years-we need to figure out what do with this during off-season 06. A lot will be decided based on his performance in year 2 under McNally. This is what happens when #4 overall draft choices don't progress as planned. This is why, in addition to the implied bad record, that I hate being at the top of the draft...a lot more guys don't meet the expectations of the huge salary than do. They don't suck all the time--but they have to be a superstar to justify the cap hit. Give me an Eric Moulds or Nate Clements anytime--drafted in the 20's and become top shelf with fairly reasonable rookie contracts earning their big pay day later rather than the top 5 which get their big paychecks right away.
  8. Update on Ross--from Lenny P's TIP SHEET. How's vet min tasting Ross... Former Cleveland offensive tackle Ross Verba, who essentially forced his release by complaining loudly about his contract situation, is finding a tough free agent market. Verba, who suggested he wanted a contract worth $6-7 million per year, is garnering just minimum-salary offers so far.
  9. Joe Ferguson The June 23rd update is pretty encouraging. If you look at the June 1 updates, he and his wife are reading all the e-mails they get from fans to get a little inspiration and to pass the time.
  10. I am rooting for him because he used the words Big Kat in a sentence and because I am tired of 9 years of below average to average quarterbacking.
  11. A true classic..look at those lines..the integrated keyboard..that baby just flat out got it done....
  12. This is what the snipered thread must have meant.. Angie Wang
  13. My bad...didn't realize you were joking. Thanks for the response. K loves this kid...it should be interesting to see him play.
  14. So was Shavlik Randolph... all I wanted were some opinions from knowledgeable fans who had seen Paulus play. I could really care less that you are bitter that he didn't commit to Cuse. Or that Col Forbin is a Tarheel fan from Greensboro. The Dookies are making this kid out to be the second coming--figured the knowledgeable TBD fans would respond with some scoop. Too much to ask I guess....sorry.
  15. Whoever started this evolution should be subject to long slow torture and eventual death. My kids look at me strange as they slurp on frozen chocolate water and I say---"you know back in the old days--these were rich and creamy"
  16. All spent on Freezers and Bunsen Burners apparently..no beakers--you want to recreate a flood...
  17. Thanks Joe. Really appreciate it.
  18. You said he threw away kids--meaning got nothing out of them or treated them like trash when they were at Duke in my interpretation--you said nothing about the NBA. Read the quotes from Shav in today's Raleigh paper--he doesn't sound like he was treated like trash... by the way Jay Williams, Bobby Hurley--way to pick on guys who's careers were cut short by serious accidents. Grant Hill is an all-star when healthy (proved it again this year); Laettner has had a serviceable career; Elton Brand, Corey Maggette...I agree it doesn't compare to the Tarheels but don't just make sh-- up. I am not a Duke fan, but if you are going to write something at least stick to the same point. Now to get back to the original point--has anyone other than a Cuse fan seen Paulus play and have an opinion...the Duke staff including the head coach is ga ga over this kid and I want to know if its legit...
  19. A gooey sticky flood Let's see-- fairly warm summer day (80 degrees), something is frozen---it melts--wow.....shocker...no wonder this town won't get the Olympics, they can't even do popsicle art.
  20. Yep--he throws them away so often and has no history of developing kids both on and off the court.
  21. Thanks -- I guess the kid can play. The nickname for Duke locally is the State University of New York and New Jersey at Durham.
  22. I have heard raves about this young man and was wondering if any of you Syracuse guys have seen him play football or basketball? The basketball staff at Duke is jacked about this kid--both his attitude and his skill...they have said he is Bobby Hurley with better quicks, vision and shot. Just wondering.....thanks.... Maybe he spends four years at Duke on the hardwood and then plays QB for the Bills when JP retires after winning 6 super bowls in his first 6 years as a starter
  23. I think Pat needs to shut up and play football for the Vikings instead of playing a combination of Tucker Carlson and Kreskin for his old team. and for those of you too young to remember Kreskin....Mentalist
  24. Reference points on my comments versus the run were early games and then a regression against Pittsburgh. I think it was the first Jets game where they really picked on him-to the tune of 3 or 4 straight plays to his side for an average of 6 or 7 a carry-he began to improve in the second half of this game. It was trial by fire. The Miami game at home also there where a couple of plays in the first half with Sammy Morris running where he was non-existent. I definitely believe he improved, but can still get better. As for the Pittsburgh game--I think the entire D-line had an off day that day. I guess I looked at this original question as what does he need to do to become an elite player, but we do have a different opinion of him against the run. ________________________________________________________ Here was a comment from TD in a 12/20/2004 Chat: Tom Donahoe: Chris Kelsay has shown outstanding improvement each week of the season. As a matter of fact, our defensive end position with Chris, Aaron Schobel and Ryan Denney is one of the deeper positions on our football team. We actually feel that we have three starters at that position. You can see the improvement in Chris' play with his ability to be better against the run in terms of recognizing what teams are trying to do to him. As a pass rusher he has provided a very good compliment to Aaron Schobel. Chris has brought toughness and a top work ethic to our team. ____________________________________________________ It doesn't mean he stunk--just needed to improve. Anyway--I would still much rather have you coaching a football team than me. Your analysis is always pretty much spot on.
  25. I think that Chris Kelsay won the starting battle and moves into camp as the established starter. I really like Kelsay, and I would share your optimism, but I am concerned about a couple of things-- He needs to really improve against the run this year to take a step up. He got blown out a few times on the edge and needs to be able to better shed blocks. I saw a couple of times where he got engulfed with no response--he didn't even have a chance to shed because the tackle just overpowered him or he got double teamed. Elite ends beat blocks more often than he did. On the pass rush side--he has good burst and good moves--but he needs to finish. I like pressures--but I like sacks better.
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