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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. oh that 'shine was amazing last year!
  2. Tell me more about how Schwartz' D dealt with Chicago's offense. Didn't Detroit actually sweep the Bears last season?
  3. I'll be bringing some breakfasty stuff for the early crowd
  4. Order is placed. FYI we didn't get as many ordered as we thought we would, and pricing is based on quantity. So the shirts did end up being $16.45 each. Up to you if you wanna pay the difference or not - no worries. Delivery is guaranteed by Friday the 12th.
  5. Guys please forward these comments to the customer service folks on BuffaloBills.com - I bet they do something about the music volume. I will say that a) I found it loud too and 2) the stadium was half empty which makes more surfaces for the sound to bounce off of. Also the crowd was not so loud so that didn't help cover the audio volume. All of this means they should have turned it down to 11.
  6. WBER - The Only Station That Matters - 90.5 FM Rochester http://wber.monroe.edu
  7. What do you think the taco wrappers are for?
  8. I park at a woman's house on Southwestern across from ECC. Slight hike to get to the stadium but never hard to get into or out of. Been parking there since the super bowl years.
  9. One of the new boards will be pretty much dedicated to fantasy and out-of-town stuff
  10. You totally blew that deal by mentioning it to a 3rd party...
  11. After a couple of years without a tailgate T-Shirt, we've decided to resurrect this tradition. A few changes to the process: 1) You can see the shirts before you buy. Here's what we've come up with: Front: Back: Close-up of crest: 2) All T-Shirts orders MUST be prepaid. To guarantee delivery in time for the tailgate, our order must be submitted by next Friday, 8/29. SO... only orders paid for at that time will be honored. To order shirts Please respond on this thread with counts and sizes wanted, and whether you want to pick them up at the tailgate or have them sent to you afterward. For delivery, please give a shipping address. Prices Shirts: $14 each Delivery: $5/order Payment We'll be using my Paypal account for payment: jacobrosen @ frontiernet . net (eliminate the spaces) This will be the only thread monitored for shirt orders. Even if you've shown interest on another thread, please place orders here.
  12. This Link from the Bills about Kids Day activities mentions "the introduction of Stampede, the brand new Buffalo Bills Drum Corp"
  13. Not to make too much light of a serious topic, but this is too easy to pass up... One could say that a pornography addiction IS overcoming.
  14. Wait... White throwbacks or blue ones? Prefer the blue
  15. I LOVE the blue pants. Always hated the all-white as well as the all-navy from the dark years.
  16. No that was Robert Wuhl's first movie, an American Graffiti type thing that also had Tony Danza, Michele Pfeiffer, and Fran Drescher in it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080881/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  17. Yeah something about hooking up your social media accounts and then using hashtags. While I'd like the points I don't like giving that kind of access to my FB account.
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