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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. Any interest in catching the game somewhere on Sunday?
  2. (Insert Bill Bellichik voice) "If we win this week we'll play next week - that's how the playoffs work."
  3. Ran laps around my house laughing like a crazy person
  4. Freddy!... Freddy!...
  5. As fans or as a team? If it was from fans I do apologize for that. On the field, not so much ?
  6. On Good Morning Football this morning they said he wanted to (and could have) made a return to the game yesterday.
  7. Looking forward to meeting you next season sir!
  8. Judge for yourselves
  9. Going to Green Bay - I don't care if I get another kidney stone!
  10. I did not crash the site. However, I neglected to copy down SDS's instructions on what to do in case it crashed while he was on vacation. Because it never went down. So when it did, I could not log on to get the instructions and things got ugly. He ended up working with his ISP while in a line at Disney
  11. I know I shouldn't hate, but I do. I hate them.
  12. As we got to the stadium right around noon 4 cop cars tore out of there with lights on - was wondering what was up. I guess I know now where they were going.
  13. Internet-famous hot chick
  14. And they're engaged now BTW
  15. She's been to the Pinto Tailgate at least 2 or 3 times this year
  16. You're going to have to some up with a waiver form that everybody who comes onto your lot (paid or not) needs to sign before entry.
  17. This has been a topic of conversation with the Bills Fan Advisory Board for years. It is very difficult for them to enforce anything on private lots - they've been working with Orchard Park Police Dept on this. They have also added plain-clothes observers and police/security observation towers in the RV and bus lots to try to spot this kind of thing. Huge thanks go out to Hammer for strictly enforcing his NO TABLE SLAMMING rule. Rumor has it he will be tagging all tables brought onto the lot with license number of owner and if found slammed the owner will be banned for life from Hammer's lot. Do we enjoy adult beverages and pour ketchup on a guy? Sure! But we don't condone or accept acts that put anyone in physical danger.
  18. Yeah that was a real punch to the gonads
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