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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. Ah - I thought about it from the angle of buying all of those other jerseys. I pretty much gave up on buying current players. I got my throwback Whitner changed to my last name, and I just got a Phillips nameplate to replace the Dareus on my #99 but that's probably gonna be it. I figure a Fred jersey will never be wrong (much like a KW #95). Speaking of KW #95 - how long til they retire that bad boy?
  2. Was bummed Poz left the way he did. I do have Stevie & Spiller jerseys, bought off clearance at Dick's when they switched from Reebok to Nike.
  3. Looks like a real Nike Limited jersey (not Chinese knock-off) - ad said worn once. $41 delivered. Will probably be more of an 'every day' jersey rather than game day.
  4. They used to call those 'boners' until that word took on another meaning
  5. I discussed this with them 3 years ago when the stadium renovation eliminated water fountains. They said they had to do away with the plumbing for them, and that they were often used for things other than drinking water. They've made water available at all guest services locations. But re-installing fountains was not something they were prepared to do (at least not back then).
  6. Ah the Pinto tailgate at 2:55...
  7. They do not line the whole team up against a fence any more. I'm interested to see how autographs work this year. They only have 11 open practices at SJF and 5 of those are ticketed. They in the past have had 2 players per session sign in a tent after practice, but to get a guaranteed spot you basically have to get in line early and miss the practice. They don't sign for very long. And they only sign for kids. Signing at the edges of the fields after practice is hit or miss - some players do, some don't. You never know who will be on a certain day, and where they will be so that you can get to them before they move on. The best place that I've seen is in the walkway between the 2 stadiums, but it is reserved for VIP attendees. Looks like this: (PS - I think the guy in the red Bills shirt with the shades is Matt, AussieW's son) I for one am glad I'm not big on autographs...
  8. Only 11 practices at SJF, and tickets are required for 5 of those. The practice at NEF was fun last year except for the thunder storm that delayed it. Not sure what's up with "theme days".
  9. Back when I was on the FAB they were talking about getting people into the stadium earlier. We suggested running some kind of tailgate inside the gates with beer, food, music, activities, alumni. They need some kind of draw to get people to leave the lots and get in there.
  10. http://buffalonews.com/2018/06/11/wedding-crasher-bills-rookie-josh-allen-makes-newlyweds-weekend/
  11. Congrats PLenz! Good to see TBD is still repped in the FAB! I really miss it... please do post-meeting reports. I was always sure to clarify what could or could not be shared as topics were covered in meetings.
  12. http://buffalonews.com/2018/06/10/bills-rookies-josh-allen-harrison-phillips-joins-fans-wedding-pictures/
  13. https://www.lifewire.com/disappearing-dvd-recorder-1846591
  14. They are adding more and more ways to thwart recordings because the industry doesn’t like it. Can’t even buy a new dvd recorder for < $500 any more.
  15. ... the one dude on the right trying to maintain decorum. ?
  16. Or at least the photos being taken at the stadium...
  17. Jimbo's HoF acceptance speech Pancho announcing our 3rd round pick this year Wide Right I was lucky enough to be in attendance at all 3 of 'em. Andy Dalton's TD pass to finalize the end of the drought, and the ensuing outpouring from #BillsFamily
  18. PS - one of the most interesting album covers ever.
  19. Today I ordered my PHILLIPS nameplate to convert my Dareus jersey.
  20. Got a Dareus jersey just waiting for a Phillips nameplate UPDATE - I just ordered one from http://www.thenamechanger.com (Royal Blue Shimmer with white stitched letters)
  21. blonde skateboarder in Coppertone commercial
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