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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. Ummm - HELL no http://www.whec.com/news/avon-woman-accused-of-raping-14-year-old-while-camping/4964428/
  2. Geez I guess I know where I’m not wanted
  3. At Super Bowl XXVII, I bought a polo shirt that was split down the middle with a Bills logo on one side and the Cowboys star on the other. My hatred of what became of the Cowboys was not complete until after that game - they were my "NFC team" for a very long time until then.
  4. Dammit, I think you're right! RIPOFF! It'll be a game when they have room in a club for us.
  5. 1976 Dodge Coronet Custom, bought off my parents for $500 Mine was green not blue, but had the white landau top.
  6. A 20th anniversary shirt for next year is already being discussed
  7. That's a negatory, good buddy. It's not sold out though. Get online and buy some tix!
  8. Putting a post on a sub board of a sub board probably would not get the desired visibility. Now people know that board will begin seeing more traffic as we get closer to the opener. Marketing.
  9. Planning on seeing Live at the NY State Fair on 8/25. They just came out with their first new song after Ed Kowalczyk rejoined the band:
  10. Well I tell you what - in many places it's tough enough to get a straight answer on whether they use peanut oil or not. So asking how refined their oil is and putting your life in the hands of the people getting that answer is a little tough for me. My daughter does have a peanut allergy like mine, but she has eaten (and survived) meals at chik-fil-a which does tout their use of allergen-free peanut oil. I still avoid it, even though I did survive a peanut exposure at the NFL Draft in Dallas without any kind of medical intervention. PS - Drums go first. And wings already have sauce on them - why would anyone add dressing (bleu or ranch) to them?
  11. It actually started with an email, me expressing my displeasure over how one of those ill-fated rewards programs was handled. The guy who ran the program asked if he could call me to talk about it. We ended up talking for at least half an hour about a range of topics, which he later called the most constructive discussion he ever had with a season ticket holder. One thing I suggested was a fan council to run these kinds of things by so they know if something they are thinking of doing is something fans want and that it’s done correctly. He asked if I would want to participate if they did such a thing which of course I said I did. This is how the Fan Advisory Board was born and how I got on it without having to apply. Being on that board got me known to many in the front office. I did the radio gig and got to know Murph from that. They liked my contributions to the FAB and how I got input and feedback from TBD. After my 2 years on the FAB was up I continued to stay in touch with the people I met, many of whom had moved up the ranks during that time. I would let them know what I felt was working and what wasn’t. They know all I do to support the team - the road trips, the social media advocacy. And they appreciate it. Do I get special treatment? I don’t know - I entered a contest to get the draft tickets. I was nominated for this thing. The people doing the choosing might recognize my name and help, but I am quite sure I have earned all I’ve gotten. The Rex Ryan photo shoot was this same guy calling me saying it was happening and would I be interested - they needed fans for the background. So so my advice is always to get to know your ticket rep and anyone else in the front office. Be memorable. Stay in contact and add some value to the relationship from your side.
  12. Senior season ticket members (maybe 25+ years) should be getting some love without having to ask. Some ideas: automatic VIP status at training camp, a higher rebate in Bills Bucks.
  13. I said this many many times at the Fan Advisory Board. It's not just what people are spending now, but what they've done over years of fandom that should be rewarded. Seniority should be for more than playoff ticket lottery.
  14. My Whitner jersey now says ‘ROSEN’ on the back
  15. Being known for something sure helps (I think I have kinda earned it tho...)
  16. At the time I liked our draft class of 2000... https://www.footballdb.com/teams/nfl/buffalo-bills/draft/2000 ?
  17. I know there hasn't been much chatter about it, but yeah, the Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate is on! As usual we'll be at the front of Hammer's Lot starting way early. I'm sure @Hammered a Lot will be posting some parking sign ups in the semi-near future. It's always pretty low-key - bring what you want, share what you want. We always have more food than people. So plan to come out and meet the people behind the avatars! Always a fantastic time.
  18. My sister nominated me for Season Ticket Member of the Month/Game and I won for the month of July! I'll be upgraded to club seats for a game, get some Bills swag, and have a story about my awesomeness on BuffaloBills.com. WOOT! So have somebody nominate you! https://buffalobills.formstack.com/forms/season_ticket_member_nominations
  19. Dude you gotta give a fresh listen to some post-MP Rush. Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows were very good (albeit different from what came before). Some of it I agree is way below par (Hold Your Fire, Presto, Roll The Bones was the worst of it) but once they rediscovered the fact that they were a power trio things started looking up again. They worked on it for pieces of Counterparts and Test For Echo (B side of each was filler). Remastered version of Vapor Trails and Snakes and Arrows are both quite good.
  20. Lots of new hotel construction across the street on Transit - the older ones just can't keep up with the new fast-build suite hotels.
  21. The combination of musical talent and songwriting is why Rush is the greatest rock band ever. Geddy Lee #1 bassist. Neil Peart #1 drummer. Alex Lifeson probably top 10 but underrated.
  22. The White Album (especially disc 2) creeps me out because I associate it with Charles Manson. I was 7 when all that happened. Some years later, I had just bought Physical Graffiti and listened to it non-stop while reading Helter Skelter (the Vincent Bugliosi book about Manson). Same reaction now.
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