It's like they said "we have the most boring helmet in football - how to we make it even less interesting. Oh I know - take away the stripe and the shine"
Smashing Pumpkins was 3+ hours of music straight through. What little talking they did was mostly James Iha until the end when Billy Corgan did give a shout out to Rush - only fitting in Toronto. Some quotes: “This band would not be here without Rush”. “The equation was simple: if you don’t like Rush, fu(£ you”.
made me smile.
I'll tell ya what is embarrassing to me - seeing fans of other teams get berated/assaulted at our stadium. I don't want Bills fans treated that way in other stadiums either. We're all just supporting our team.
2 shows this week - Smashing Pumpkins in Toronto on Wednesday, Incubus at the Del Lago Casino between ROC and SYR on Friday.
With a Bills game in between
It's not just about room, it's also about how many support staff are being brought in for the event - ushers, guest services, security, concessions, parking attendants etc etc
Glad to hear everybody who posted looking for tickets got hooked up.
Saw Daughtry last night with the wife. Actually recognized 3 songs. Dude has a powerful voice.
They were on for less than 90 minutes. He appeared to be having trouble with his monitor earpieces. They all left the stage twice and came back. Apparently the 2nd of these meant the start of encores but it wasn't obvious and the crowd sure didn't react like usual.
Just started episode 2 and agree with what you said. Although I just noticed in the recap before the episode that she had the word ‘vanish’ carved into her arm...
Also there after doing a New Year's Eve party at a Buffalo hotel. Fun weekend.
After the "Fandamonium" OT win over the Jets to clinch the division (at 11-1) in week 12 we lost 3 road games in the last 4 weeks. It was the 10-5 loss to the Buccaneers (who were 3-10 and 7.5 point underdogs) in week 14 that cost the Bills the SB that year.