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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. he sent me a 30% off coupon for NFLShop.com
  2. Q: "What do you expect to get out of this?" A: "Cash"
  3. It's obvious that the Fan Advisory Board is no longer a thing. It was created out of this exact kind of thing - something so clueless from some marketing person that had the exact wrong effect with the fan base. I contacted the team about that one which led to a long discussion with someone in the customer relations office. I suggested they put together a focus group of fans to run this kind of thing by so that they don't screw the pooch again and the Fan Advisory Board was born. I was on the first one and we did some great work with the team. It was a known thing, we did interviews on WGR, they took our advice and things improved. For a while... I'll continue saying this though - I believe much of this degradation of STM/fan relations is due to the absence of Kim Pegula at the top of the hierarchy. She was the voice for fans in the front office.
  4. We have the best throwbacks in the league. Sadly, we don't wear 'em...
  5. Summarizing my reactions to various replies: I agree with those who said "it's leading with the helmet - that's a penalty without question". Happens all the time. I disagree with those who said "he's running so it's OK". See above - it's not OK no matter what the roster says a guy's position is or what he's doing when the contact happens I looked for a hit to his left funny bone and didn't see one. I think he was making an assumption after the fact as to what caused the stinger. If he got hit hard enough on the elbow to do that, he'd probably be on the injury report this week with at least a bad bruise. We were lucky it went down his left arm and not his right. And if he said he got hit in the head, that's a mandatory neuro-exam. It's a disturbing 3-game trend of illegal hits to our QB's head, none of which even drew a flag on the field. All that being said, our QB is one tough motherhucker.
  6. The prior two games it was guys punching him in the head. This week a blatant helmet-to-helmet hit that caused him to lose feeling down his left arm. 3rd and 6 at the 49ers 34 yard line. Josh calls his own number - QB draw. He hits a linebacker and gets held up. Here comes Fred Warner leading with his helmet and BAM! Watch Josh's head snap. Play starts at the 1:11 mark.
  7. Taylor Rapp being limited in practice today might have had something to do with the timing on this, although McD denied that later in his PC.
  8. he was excited about his fantasy team
  9. I've always loved him as an architect and a leader. I've felt that his gameday management, especially in big games, was not optimal and that he wasn't buying into his own 'constant growth and improvement' mantra. I'm happy to say that I believe that has changed, and he has made changes to his approaches that so far are yielding results. Haven't really noticed a 'coaching not to lose' situation this year.
  10. Not that I watch, but she did move on to the final: https://www.nbc.com/nbc-insider/the-voice-top-5-artists-revealed-for-season-26-finale
  11. Got that from Tre White in the Colts shnow game
  12. I enjoyed him yelling "NO! NO!" during the lateral play, like most of his fellow chiefs fans were.
  13. The International Spy Museum in DC was pretty cool
  14. So your defense is that it’s not his worst song?
  15. With the caveat of when they play the Chiefs, I'll allow it. Or the Dolphins, because I hate them.
  16. I'm going to say Pixar is its own thing - NOT Disney. That being said... Fantasia has always been my favorite. When we were in Alaska recently we re-watched Brother Bear and that was actually kind of fun.
  17. Jerry speaks for all of us...
  18. Pro Football HoF - Canton Rock and Roll HoF - Cleveland Baseball HoF - Cooperstown Most of the Smithsonian museums (Air and Space being favorite) - DC Field Museum - Chicago Museum of Natural History - NYC Museum of Pop Culture - Seattle Boeing Museum of Flight - Seattle Strong Museum of Play - Rochester Rochester Museum and Science Center - great with the kids Eastman House / Susan B Anthony House & Museum - Rochester US Space & Rocket Center - Huntsville AL Kennedy Space Center - Cape Canaveral FL Here in Richmond - VMHC (Virginia Museum of History and Culture), Science Museum of Virginia and VMFA (Virginia Museum of Fine Art). Lots of Civil War stuff I still need to get to, although it's painted a slightly different way down here...
  19. the one that sends me over the edge is Paul McCartney's seemingly endless repetition of Wonderful Christmastime
  20. You just enjoying the post-win glow a little too much?
  21. I think this makes us appreciate the Taron Johnson punch-out from Raheem Mostert even more, cause he landed that square on the ball.
  22. They call penalties like that all the time though. Incidental helmet to helmet contact cause the ballcarrier ducks.
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