I saw this on Sunday and wondered the same thing. I watched him, and he finally noticed it and was wiping at it to see what it was. I think it's more likely he sat in some orange gatorate.
Y2K was a boon in 1998-99, but it hasn't been the same since. Companies poured so much money into non-revenue-generating activities that they held off on expenditures and I think they realized during that lull that they didn't have to always have the latest and greatest.
I've got 2
1980 Corvette - my boss' car when I worked at Arby's as an 18 year old. Had to drive to a different Arby's to pick up some ketchup when we ran out.
1988 BMW M5 - My Pop and I took it for a test drive. Got it up to about 115 mph in 4th gear on a back road. The poor salesman was white as a sheet in the back.