Just like I (and everyone else) knew last year that using Sam Gash as a decoy WR was amongst the stupidest schemes ever devised... But that coaching staff seemed to think it was brilliant.
Look, there's lots of ways to stop the clock but there ain't no way to recover 25 seconds once you've wasted it. You need to stop the clock before you try a FG, TRY THROWING TO SOMEONE NEAR A SIDELINE!
Answer this: Down 2 points, which situation would you rather be in?
a) 50 seconds left. 2nd and 12 at your own 33 with no timeouts.
2) 25 seconds left. 2nd and 12 at your own 33 with 1 timeout.
I'll vote 'a' every time.
As for insulting, look back at your first post in this thread. I believe the word you used was "retarded".