OK, 3 words.
Anyway. Woke up to very few degrees and very gusty winds. Felt just like Buffalo. We had breakfast at the hotel and heard about various groups evening events - a certain assistant coach treating Bills fans in the bar etc etc.
Tailgate was awesome. Cold and snowy, but awesome. The skies cleared at about noon and it was downright sunny, as you saw. But it was damn brisk. A very nice stadium. All above ground - I'm glad we didn't have upper deck seats.
Our seats were in the corner on the sunny side, so you might have seen us on TV - our end zone was the one Peters blocked/scored in.
Bengals fans were very pleasant. Actually had some decent football conversations. But the best part was having their comments go from "Our offense is on a roll - we're gonna kick you guys" and "Kitna is the best backup in the league" to such gems as "I'd rather watch man-on-man sex than watch any more of this game" or "This is the worst game I've ever been to" or calling Kitna Stevestojan-na.
I told Lori, who was at her first ever road game, that we'd own that stadium by the 4th quarter, and that we did.
I'm sure you've all been dissecting the game so I won't get into that - just thought you'd like a feeling of what it was like to be there.
Big thanks go to udonkey for organizing all the activities.