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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. 4 straight come-from-behind one-goal victories. Nice.
  2. JÂy RÛßeÒ Thailog80 Rockpile AiO bill in Livonia Ticket Detail Linky
  3. Mmmmmmmmm plates.
  4. No problemo. It is true that I will not be buying tix for every game this year - just the opener.
  5. The Bills open the 2005 season on Sunday September 11th and for the sixth straight year TBD/TSW will be there in force. As far as $ goes, not much will be changing from last year. The seats we get have not changed price - still $46. We're still asking for $5/person for tailgate/raffle/web server expenses. I can mail you the tickets for an additional $2.67 to cover certified mail. If you want to use Paypal to get your $ to me, they charge $0.30 + 2.9%. I've put together a calculator to help you determine how much $ to send. TBD Tailgate Calculator If using paypal, the account to use is jacobrosen@frontiernet.net. If sending cash or check, send to me at 8 Esternay Lane Pittsford NY 14534. Not sure of the cutoff date at this time, but it's probably in Mid-May. Act now!!! Since I can't post during the day I'll try to answer PMs in the evenings so let me know if you have any questions. WOOHOO!
  6. Hope your BDay celebration lasts well into your next year. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Linky Dinky Doo Talking about Arizona in his mock draft:
  8. http://www.snopes.com/risque/mistaken/unzipped.asp
  9. Unfortunately I'll be going out of town tomorrow, until Sunday. For those of you itching to put in your orders for tailgate tix, details will come out Sunday evening. As is tradition, the tailgate will be at the home opener so you can start making travel plans tomorrow. Be aware that I will not be offering to buy tix to all games as I did last year. It got to be too much. Sorry if this inconveniences anyone. LET THE PLANNING BEGIN! WOOHOO!!!
  10. John Valby: KNOCK, KNOCK! Audience: WHO'S THERE? John Valby: EMERSON! Audience: EMERSON WHO? John Valby: Emerson nice t!ts, b!tch... At the gang bang
  11. Your father will always be with you. Kinda like in Lion King, without the baboon (probably). Condolences & best wishes.
  12. Congrats to the entire 'bot family!
  13. Another dies from an injury sustained in an Arena league game The dead one The wacko one
  14. I found it amusing that they turned the internet cams away so that the bears could have "privacy"
  15. It turns out I'm invisible nowadays. I can see you all but you can't see me.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid...ve&sid=84439559
  17. Some of the unofficial vendors around the stadium still sell 'em.
  18. It's true! I've got 2 pairs of the original ones (bought the week before Super Bowl XXV) and one pair of the lightning style.
  19. Whew!
  20. It looks like it was co-directed by Robert Rodriquez, who directed the Spy Kids flicks. He also did the Mariachi movies which explains the gore and violence.
  21. Well how do ya like that? She asked herself... Thanks for the link, CW.
  22. I don't have many details, just a hurried message on my answering machine. Earlier this week you might have seen that Mary went in for Gall Bladder surgery. It seemed at the time that everything was going well but #89 asked me to post this prayer request saying Mary was being rushed from Olean up to Strong here in Rochester. That's all she said. I'll post more details when I get 'em, but for now just include Mary in your thoughts & prayers tonight. Thanks.
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