The Bills open the 2005 season on Sunday September 11th and for the sixth straight year TBD/TSW will be there in force.
As far as $ goes, not much will be changing from last year. The seats we get have not changed price - still $46. We're still asking for $5/person for tailgate/raffle/web server expenses. I can mail you the tickets for an additional $2.67 to cover certified mail. If you want to use Paypal to get your $ to me, they charge $0.30 + 2.9%.
I've put together a calculator to help you determine how much $ to send.
TBD Tailgate Calculator
If using paypal, the account to use is
If sending cash or check, send to me at 8 Esternay Lane Pittsford NY 14534.
Not sure of the cutoff date at this time, but it's probably in Mid-May. Act now!!!
Since I can't post during the day I'll try to answer PMs in the evenings so let me know if you have any questions.