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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. T-Ball at age 8? I'm guessing the whole team wasn't the most athletically gifted...
  2. Hello Jay Rubeo! Your Ron Mexico name, the ultimate disguise, is Raymond United Arab Emirates.
  3. Geez, way to hijack a thread... Good ta see ya tho!
  4. 2 in one week - seems they're very fertile lately.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/panda_cub
  6. They're a great way to smuggle contraband into the stadium.
  7. That kind of thing amuses him. You know, simple minds and all.
  8. And you sound just like my 7 year old.
  9. No freakin' doubt!
  10. That wasn't you, that was DC T... wait a minute...
  11. The original launch date was in May but they decided to get an even newer fuel tank on it.
  12. Stuart Mackenzie: Would ya look at the size of that kid's head! It's the size of a planetoid and it has it's own weather system! Looks like an orange on a toothpick! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuart Mackenzie: I'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Aye, now that was offsides, now wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
  13. I'm sure it was a whole black & white theme thing
  14. That's the one I went to. Man they were a quiet bunch. Hilite - Henry Jones returning an onside kick for a TD
  15. As with any game, alot of it depends on the people around you. I've never had a problem, although I've seen a few. My advice is to be respectful and keep it low key, at least for a while. I've been to away games in: Pittsburgh Washington Arizona NY (Giants & Jets) San Diego Cinci Cleveland Dallas Houston Heading to New Orleans this year. If you can get in with a group of Bills Fans you'll have a much better time.
  16. Get a Bills plate - https://corvus.dmv.state.ny.us/eDMV_customP...lLegendList=BIL
  17. I sit in sec 137 but I'm in row 34. It's betweek the goal line and the 10 or so on the Bills' side. But being that low I think you'd have a great view of half the field and be watching the other half on the 'tron.
  18. I started looking into this yesterday.
  19. They should be selling "Parrish" name plates to replace the Bledsoe ones. They'd make a killing!
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5212524378 Doesn't he know it's cursed?!?!?!
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