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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. http://www.townofpittsford.com/Community/Events.asp#PepRally
  2. We went to a Red Wings game here in Rochester last week so that wouldn't be all that different. Isn't there a lighthouse at the marina too?
  3. Oh they go to the Ralph every year - in fact my son goes to most games with me. They were last there for the carnival at the Celebration of Champions.
  4. I assume the large is for you...
  5. Well we live in Rochester so it's kind of a mini-vacation. It's been so long since I've lived in Buffalo (29 years) that I don't really know this stuff any more. My sister-in-law and her husband & 9 month old will be visiting. Her husband has never been to the falls.
  6. Where'd you hear that???
  7. And don't forget the parade...
  8. I plan on seeing you at the opener, my friend!
  9. I believe he was told they'd be sent to him in August.
  10. Actually we'll be in Niagara Falls for one day/night, then another day/night in Buffalo.
  11. Other than the zoo, what is there to do in Buffalo with a 7 yr old and a 4 yr old?
  12. In case you didn't see it, Emmitt, Troy, & Irvin are going on the Cowboys Wall of Fame together. Poor Andre's gonna get dissed again.
  13. You ever bite aluminum foil? Agony!!
  14. Gerry Thomas, Inventor of TV Dinners, Dies
  15. Actually I'd love to see what Josh Stamer could do given an opportunity.
  16. They are getting restless, aren't they?
  17. I've got two different people already interested in the last pair.
  18. I think anything after that would be a let-down
  19. Someone's supposed to get back to me next week on a pair. If he doesn't take 'em I'll let you know.
  20. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=26526
  21. We will be renting a PA system. Battery operated and portable, it can go anywhere. This will help us inform people as to events, schedules, etc. I think this will go a long way to improving what alot of people (myself included) said wasn't good about last year's party. Everyone who pays the $5 per person party fee will get a ticket for a special drawing. We'll also be giving out wristbands to those who pay the fee, and those wristbands will be used to show who is eligible for provided beverages, use of the tent/chairs etc. If you didn't pay the fee when you bought tickets (or if you didn't get tickets with the group) please make sure you ante-in so that nobody is stuck with expenses they shouldn't be. Any "extra" monies we collect go to the Sarama Children's College Fun... I mean the TBD server fund We're also thinking of running a 50-50 drawing as another fund-raiser. There will be a check-in table where you can pay your fee if you need to (or want to donate extra), pick-up wristbands & tickets, and find out what's going on. For the raffle, you will have to be present to win. We won't be leaving stuff out on tables like last year. For the special drawing we'll ask that you put name & address on the ticket so that if you aren't around and your ticket is picked we can send you your booty. All drawings will be run as close to 11AM as we can. We also want to try to get a group photo either right before or right after it. We don't want to conflict with the Pinto Kenny ketchup ceremony for those who want to be there for that (at 11:30). If you'd like to donate an item for the raffle please feel free to bring it along! Your party planning committee is hard at work and has some surprises up its sleeves so you won't want to miss a thing!
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