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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. I only took 8, but here they are.
  2. The event that *was* scheduled for that weekend has already been rescheduled.
  3. Somebody please tape this for me!
  4. Anderson looked bad pulling in front of the outside runs to his side. Noticed him more than once getting jammed up by a linebacker and actually impeding Willis' progress.
  5. Actually it was Mr Carlson I think.
  6. Phillip Buchannon went under it twice. One tackle looked reminiscent of the play his knee got blown out on
  7. He also did a call-in segment with Schoop & Bulldog this afternoon at 4.
  8. We did it right after the raffle. It took a few minutes to get everyone together and some good sheparding skills, but I love how it turned out.
  9. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3376
  10. I saw it on KJ as she was leaving the game.
  11. Thanks for holding that guy up so I could get out, BTW.
  12. And a pitcher...
  13. I believe they fly him in just for this
  14. Man I love this board!
  15. I'm 95% sure I'll be there.
  16. http://images2.sportsline.com/u/gettyimage...1120_viewer.jpg Check out this guy waiting to get patted by a lady guard
  17. It does. The "gate" fee, as well as all $ from the raffles, 50/50, etc., covers all party expenses. After all those are paid whatever's left goes to the server fund as well as charitable causes.
  18. Every year it gets bigger and better. For those that attended please let your tailgate planning committee know what you thought in this thread on the tailgate board.
  19. Brinson was a broken record: "It was just the Houston Texans - we'll see more against the Bucs in Tampa Bay" Schoop cutting off every caller who wasn't a moron to inject his own opinion. And I thought it couldn't get worse than Rich The Bull Gensler.
  20. A fine looking bunch!
  21. Looking for feedback on this year's event. Some of my thoughts: a) YOU GUYS ROCK! b) @Danny's - I liked having the room, but felt it might've caused some people to miss us. Perhaps some signs might've helped there. c) This was definitely the most organized of the 6. I don't know that the wrist bands added much, but the registration desk, PA/Announcements, and raffle all were great. Many thanks to Hammer, who always goes above and beyond. My thanks also to Jack and Cindy for their superb efforts. Thanks also to our lovely ticket girls - the best ever!!! Huge thanks and congrats to Tyrone for coming up big for Hurricane Katrina relief with his $225 bid for the autographed Kelly Houston Gamblers jersey. Well done, my friend! Finally thanks to EVERYONE for making the event better and better every year, and for making this place what it is. 364 days and counting to Tailgate 7!
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/0...ucdn6mk1_photo1
  23. You'll pass me tomorrow.
  24. Near the end of the Lions game Willis decided he was going to help Jon Dorenbos warm up. So he went right in front of the Jills and started taking long snaps. The poor Jills tried doing their routines around him but he was RIGHT THERE. http://www.frontiernet.net/~jacobrosen/Fee...er/P9020070.JPG My son went right down to the wall to get this pic: http://www.frontiernet.net/~jacobrosen/Fee...er/P9020071.JPG Maybe this is why JD got cut...
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