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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. Another (not nearly as good) version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwRtcsBKROk&feature=player_embedded
  2. He was channeling the author of the letter.
  3. Apparently there is a suite holder's event in the field house also. This is for the run-of-the-mill season ticket holders:
  4. Made it OK to sing about masturbation http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2013/04/22/divinyls-singer-chrissy-amphlett-dies-at-53/2102653/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv-34w8kGPM&feature=player_embedded
  5. Well he'll definitely get the fastest start here in Buffalo knowing the coaches and system already. It'll also help with his stading in the locker room, as he'll be a go-to guy for others on the offense with questions on it.
  6. Now who the hell would look at that thing and say to himself "Geez I wonder what that tastes like..."
  7. They're piper hose. She does have the big manly legs part right - I had to order them special because of the thunder-calves. One time when on vacation in Hawaii I was asked by a native if I was Samoan because of my legs. That's pretty telling right there.
  8. Remember this was the nationally-televised season kickoff game at a neutral site (Meadowlands). Not sure how many offenses/QBs look good out of the chute underthose circumstances. And he did improve as the game went on.
  9. Could you see a scenario where they trade back into the 1st round for him?
  10. Well what's not to like about that?
  11. http://www.medicalne...cles/259406.php Here's one for the ladies
  12. I got 2 tickets but my wife is now going out of town for work so I won't be using them. If anybody wants 'em let me know.
  13. And I can name 6 teams saying they got screwed on schedule because they waste their extra prep time on the Bills.
  14. Just stumbled onto this - Anthrax covering Anthem (and doing a semi-decent job of it): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Pq-OPoNXf-Y
  15. Hey, that's awesome Michelle! I wonder what took that adored and revered board member Poojer so long to post about it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hQKPtZ7UDoo A) lots of info on the guy 2) the chick reporter is WAY HOT.
  17. You have a future in television journalism
  18. I dunno. The expense of trials and appeals, the protests, the ongoing threat of more attacks, the likelihood this one was just following his big brother's lead, and the probability that they left behind enough evidence to gain useful data without actual interviews leave me thinking we're all better off with this guy gone. In the middle east, most people who do this kind of thing have the decency to blow themselves up in the process.
  19. A great induction speech as well - part roast, part satire, part outright fandom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLOUgvsfDtg&feature=player_embedded
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