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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. When the drugs ran out.
  2. And now you know how Saturday Night Live was born.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9vP8DjEB6Y&feature=player_embedded
  4. Been there, done that. HfBD, Mr Wawrow!
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/texas-judge-issues-double-entendre-filled-ruling-strip-151235719.html In his ruling on an injunction to stop enforcement of a law that forces a strip club's dancers to wear bikini tops: Plaintiffs clothe themselves in the First Amendment seeking to provide cover against another alleged naked grab of unconstitutional power. Plaintiffs, and by extension their customers, seek an erection of a constitutional wall separating themselves from the regulatory power of City government. While the Court has not received amicus curiae briefs, the Court has been blessed with volunteers known in South Texas as 'curious amigos' to be inspectors general to perform on sight visits at the locations in question. Should the parties choose to string this case out to trial on the merits, the Court encourages reasonable discovery intercourse as they navigate the peaks and valleys of litigation, perhaps to reach a happy ending.
  6. I thought the same thing. I think I found the one they used for Robert Woods:
  7. Then there's also this one: Pro Set was a MUCH nicer card. But I think they way over-produced for any kind of price future. These are sharp!
  8. That thing on his head slows him down just enough to be photographed.
  9. http://www.nfl.com/photos/0ap1000000163677 Apparently Score (Panini) is celebrating the 25th year in the NFL card business by using a throwback design: http://store.paniniamerica.net/2013-score-nfl-36-pack-box.html
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p9vP8DjEB6Y
  11. he really let himself go during the offseason
  12. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl--geno-smith-s-firing-of-agents--pre-draft-actions-shed-light-on-why-qb-dropped-183846651.html Good luck to the jets... NOT
  13. Going to the 9PM showing of Iron Man 3 tonight
  14. and their tremendous amount of sex this season: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q6BvNrdKfKY
  15. Where were you when I asked the difference between dress and casual socks???
  16. Yep that's #4. Although it sounds like she might've actually done the kids a favor...
  17. Considering I sit at a desk for 7:45 of the 8 hours I'm at work I wanted something that was easy on/off.
  18. Here's what I bought: And bought some black no-show socks.
  19. Yeah, but it's called work-from-home day.
  20. So did my son. subscribe to the RSS feed - doesn't go thru the 10 articles/month thing.
  21. OK next question... I was told way back when that shoes match belt, socks match pants. Is that true of jeans also? If so, wouldn't I always wear blue socks?
  22. How do we differentiate between dress socks and casual socks? Thickness? Design?
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