An amazing 10 minute encounter with 2 humpbacks:
what would your reaction be to having something that big swim under your little dinghy, even nudging it?
Going back to Hawaii next month! Unfortunately the whales are not there in the summer but I'm super psyched to be going anyway.
You could always hope for this:
Humpbacks in Hawaii on several occasions and Greys/Rights off Cape Cod. I've also been lucky enough to hear them while scuba diving off Lanai. We could see the probable whale doing tail slaps off in the distance but he wasn't close enough to see while I was down there.
And yes their breath is HORRIBLE
When I called Saturday I got a message saying something like "the person at that number is not responding" and then it hung up. After that happened 3 times I just bought my block online.
KRC I'm gonna have to hit the archive to listen to this one. Lookin forward to it though! - go to the 40:00 mark.
It's not out of the realm of possibility that some ticket brokers are in fact season ticket holders, of just enough seats to allow them to buy in advance for reselling purposes. Each account could buy up to 20 advance seats/game.
The Doors music scared me as a youngster because to me they embodied the sound of what drugs felt like, and I was very anti-drug even as a kid growing up in the late 60s.
Isn't there something where you have to have your tickets paid in full before being able to list them? So these may just be people who paid the full shot all at once instead of taking a payment plan.