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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. Can I just say here, for one moment, that Spaceballs sucks?
  2. But there's 12 bedrooms so divide that by 12 and you're at a manageable $300,000 each. Just adjust the price for the ones who have to share bathrooms.
  3. How's the school system?
  4. It's not the first time our stadium was used as a stand-in for the Giants. In When Harry Met Sally, the shot of the crowd doing The Wave was actually from Rich Stadium. Go to 25:56. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4UjojgACPs&feature=player_embedded#t=1560s
  5. Wow that's a pretty epic fail on my part then. I know I was going between this and Little Wing.
  6. There are bands that most people revere that I never liked. The Kinks Guns & Roses Any combination of CSNY
  7. I couldn't find a live performance video of Jimi doing it.
  8. We've had this video linked several times but it applies here as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvtkUd0kkhU&feature=player_embedded
  9. jw you sound like Lester Bangs in Almost Famous...
  10. Next to the 'Font' box, there's a box that says 'Special BB Code' when you hover over it. One option in there is 'Media'. click that and put in the URL for the video. If the link says feature=player_detailpage, change that to feature=player_embedded.
  11. One of my first favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qFhM1XZsh6o
  12. I was just listening to Zebra this week in the car! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-rL22BdGyQo
  13. Saw a funny reply to that on a different site: "When I was 14 I was good at... listening to that song".
  14. What are the eligibility rules for the HOVG? I would like to think that about Andre also but stranger things have happened.
  15. How about this gem: Not only is it great that most of the team wants Sanchez gone, but how awesome is it that this player announces the fact anonymously in the media???
  16. Details please on how you ordered these...
  17. I read that an exotic pet store that was demolished by a hurricane might have also been a contributor to the introduction.
  18. So KRC as far as future Bills chances to get into the Hall of Very Good... Where would you put the chances for Joe Ferguson Bob Chandler Reggie McKenzie Steve Tasker Cornelius Bennett Kent Hull Ruben Brown Eric Moulds Chris Spielman Darryl Talley Andre Reed
  19. Maybe we can trade them Brad Smith for next year's first rounder
  20. On Saturday, online was maxed out at 14 so you couldn't do larger groups. And the $3/ticket they add on is insane.
  21. Al Pacino has become pretty much unwatchable. Wall-E is one of the best CG Animated films of all time. X-Men = Pokemon
  22. I'm pretty sure Burmese Pythons didn't get together and say "Let's invade Florida!" Oh well. Sucks to be a python in Miami I guess.
  23. So dude is driving along and he sees part of a big snake, which is just minding its own business, under a bush. So he takes his knife out and decides to kill it.
  24. Yep could buy up to 14 more online on Saturday.
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