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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. It's been quite a while since we had a meeting. Anyone interested/available? PS - for you newbs, WNYTBDGPS = Western New York Two Bills Drive Garbage Plate Society.
  2. I think if I'm that chick I take out my cell phone and start recording.
  3. Well the story would have appeared in Penthouse Forum, not a news outlet. Do they still even publish Penthouse Forum?
  4. I doubt he'd have been convicted if it was just her word against his with no corroborating evidence. Iinteresting to note that when they refer to the flight attendant, they say 'he'. Wonder if it would have been a different story with a female attendant.
  5. The stunned resignation at the end... that's me.
  6. There will be several. Morton Andersen, Gary Anderson, Reggie Roby, Adam Vinateri, Steve Tasker
  7. And what ST player retired before 1988 who is not in the HOF do you believe warrants entry? Ray Guy? Billy "White Shoes" Johnson? Pete Gogolak?
  8. If you're referring to Steve Tasker - the rule for the HOVG is they have to be retired for 25 years to be eligible.
  9. http://www.profootballresearchers.org/HOVG/Hall_Of_Very_Good_Class_of_2013.pdf
  10. I think Rush kind of did what U2 did - they had a bit of a lull there (Presto, Roll the Bones) but they have rebounded and their last couple of CDs are among the best in their catalog. Snakes and Arrows and Clockwork Angels are both superb. Test for Echo and Counterparts are also very good. Unfortunately Vapor Trails was not mixed well.
  11. I always wished they had done a better job with "The Coneheads"
  12. It's inevitable that performers change over time. Those that don't become stale and don't last long (only to regroup later to play the same stuff for a new generation). For some, the change is is not good - they "jump the shark" and the new stuff is not nearly as good as the early. I put Elvis Costello in this boat - never got back to the brilliance of My Aim Is True & This Year's Model. U2 was in it but has come back lately. Other bands, like the Beatles, the change is more of a continual improvement.
  13. Looks like she got 10 months
  14. Giving Ringo anything to do other than drum was a mistake.
  15. I worked with his uncle Gordon at Xerox back in the day.
  16. "I'm telling you what we're not, we're not people who jam staples into other people's heads, that's CIA crap!"
  17. Here's one... I actually enjoyed the movie version of Get Smart with Steve Carrel, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne Johnson, and Alan Arkin.
  18. Which is kinda like saying aside from Pretty in Pink and St. Elmo's Fire, Weekend at Bernies was Andrew McCarthy's best work. PS - Moranis was better in Honey I Shrunk the Kids
  19. and for being a douchebag. http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/josh-sale-suspend-tampa-bay-rays-facebook-threw-change-at-strippers-052913 Dude threw coins at a stripper who was working, then posted about it saying: He must be one of the dumbest people alive. He's also been suspended after testing positive for aphetamine & meth. This after being the 17th overall draft pick in all of baseball 3 years ago.
  20. Man I remember when that happened.
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