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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. I use these very words with my son all the time about "his" music. He's listening to alot of different stuff right now, trying to find out what he really likes I think. So if it's something I don't like that's what I say. I don't say "it sucks" or they have "no talent". I just say I prefer other things.
  2. So is anybody other than me really gonna show up tomorrow? If I'm gonna eat lunch alone I won't drive that far to do it.
  3. Stay low, dib.
  4. They sure could rock it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaQ5iXQgvs&feature=player_embedded
  5. For Mr. Wawrow, I submit Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull now: And Then: He sounds much worse now, but he looks better.
  6. That is so friggin cool. Has he ever really talked much about his time in Buffalo? I don't have XM Radio so if there will be an online version of this somewhere I'd be very interested to hear.
  7. That Tarpon had a case of the Mondays
  8. Perhaps the guy was just showing her his snake... on a plane.
  9. Looking at the thread title I was like "who the hell throws away a perfectly good brown bear?!?!"
  10. They killed him off in Wrath of Khan because he wanted to be done with Star Trek.
  11. Then you're definitely not gonna watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVg5H0pj4ZE&feature=player_embedded
  12. Has anyone considered that the cause of Jimbo's cancer and Michael Douglas' could be the same?
  13. A great comment from a blog about last night's performances that I just have to share: :w00t:
  14. Well there's this SkyWest incident Or this one on Southwest. Damn - is this some new kind of mile-high club?
  15. Nope - that was a flight to Denver, not LA. Also, the report said the incident occurred last October. Sounds like United really is the friendly skies for this kind of thing tho don't it?
  16. Dude down the street from me is pathological about keeping his driveway clear. And not just the driveway - he shovels the grass on either side too. Woudn't be surprised if it's exactly 3 feet of grass on each side that he shovels to a perfect edge. Guy's a whacko.
  17. I dunno, but apparently she was in a position of power over the dog.
  18. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158717-michael-douglas-throat-cancer-caused-by/
  19. My point was that if the rest of the row was empty but the rest of the plane was full, it wouldn't make much sense to move her to another seat in the same row. I guess the good news for her was that there was an aisle between them.
  20. Jill Kelly posted this on her Facebook page a little while ago: (and no, I don't know who the girl on the right is... maybe their oldest daughter?)
  21. The report said they were in the back row of the plane - maybe all that was left was in that same row. Just a thought.
  22. We'll have another one just before or during training camp
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