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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. It's an exciting time.
  2. It's a double-standard, that's what it is.
  3. https://twitter.com/KateUpton/status/355887207397076992/photo/1
  4. Poor Jills. Most cheerleader squads go to Florida or the Caribbean or somewhere nice like that for their swimsuit calendars. The Jills go to a local ski resort in March...
  5. "We're gonna need a bigger chopper" is a great line.
  6. Obviously he got confused about the gear shifter
  7. Welcome to the 3-1-5...
  8. Yeah, I thought the same thing. He's a wise man.
  9. Cue the Alfonzo Dennard jersey trade-in!
  10. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20130708/NEWS01/307080024/Thaddus-Johnson-Lyons?odyssey=obinsite
  11. You mean this Car'ls Jr. Commercial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1krJqn3smbI If you ever watched iCarly, the brunette was Tasha - Gibby's girlfriend. PS - we had a whole thread just on this commercial: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/151539-bbq-burger-anyone-nsfw/
  12. wow that's weird. I was just gonna resurrect this thread myself. Chick in the KIA Cadenza "reunion" ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AP53HIhMzKA Her name is Teresa Moore
  13. Yeah we must have a sasquatch in my office too cause there's always a puddle ON TOP of the urinal. How does THAT happen???
  14. It happened multiple times, til the director of IT had to send out an email to everybody in the building describing the situation and threatening to install video cameras to catch whoever was doing it.
  15. A couple years back we had a guy at work we called the "Phantom Pooper". He'd flush a toilet then stuff a whole roll of toilet paper into the bottom of it to make sure there was actually no water in it, then take a dump on top of that. What the hell would possess a person to do that?
  16. And apparently when cops stopped traffic again last night for some more cleanup a 4 car pile-up ensued: http://www.whec.com/news/stories/S3091919.shtml?cat=565
  17. Dermatologist has some freeze spray that will take it off blood-free in a few days.
  18. When saying ANYTHING "sounds delightful"
  19. Parking at Sutherland is key.
  20. I was just at a few of 'em - Ka'anapali on Maui & Waikiki on Oahu.
  21. It was a TERRIBLE decision.
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/female-surfers-beneath-the-waves-1371590640-slideshow/
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