I couldn't tell you about the changes to tailgating in the stadium lots as I was not near them.
Walking to the stadium: Heard alot about the new laws regarding open alcohol containers on public roads/walkways around the stadium. Saw many people who had them, and nobody get hassled about it.
Approaching the gates: Supposedly they had increased the distance from the stadium into which you could not bring alcohol. Didn't notice this at all. Those that brought their beers with them still drank them near the gates.
At the gates: Had a person at each gate with a bullhorn who was reading a prepared script about the new measures. Everyone still took everything metal out of pockets. Used to have separate lines for guys & girls - no more. Since no pat downs, they had male & female security handling male & female fans. They wanded everyone. Didn't se anybody turned away for anything disallowed. It took maybe 2 minutes to get through, at about 12:15 PM.
During the game: Noticeably more uniformed sheriff patrols, stadium personnel, and security going up and down the sections in the lower bowl.