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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. This I agree with.
  2. Somewhat smaller audience, but true. Also only references that he's a good guy, not that he's a good coach.
  3. Given a chance to back his coach on national TV when Tracy Wolfson teed up the "what did this team show after the tumultuous week you guys had to deal with?" question, Josh instead was all about how the players "rallied behind each other, played for each other". Probably reading too much into it, but still...
  4. Yep from all I see and hear from him he's a good guy. But he's gotta walk his talk. Always going on about accountability, self-motivation, improving every day, learning from mistakes. I would hope that someone is pointing out his mistakes. If so, he's not learning from them. If he had a player like that, that player would be benched/released. If not, that's an organizational shortcoming but not an excuse for maintaining an ultimately unsatisfactory status quo if he practiced what he's been preaching. Whatever catchphrase it is - Playoff Caliber or Respect the Process - he's gotta show me that his coaching is meeting this standard.
  5. Several factors for me: I sat in that stadium and watched this team give up when they were 60 minutes from probably hosting the AFC Championship game last year Recent move out of the area. Less of a constant bombardment Related to above, distance will mean fewer games attended. Skipped the Broncos game because I didn't wanna do the 16-hour, 1,000 mile round trip drive twice in 6 days. Preparing for more of those next season Loss of Kim Pegula in day-to-day operation - she was the engagement piece of the management team, for alums and fans alike. WIth her out of the mix I feel like this has taken an even further back seat to the bottom line Impending stadium move - PSL's will probably mean the end of my time as a season ticket member (currently in year 37) although we may band together as a shared group and keep a couple of seats for rotating attendance. Personal realization that we probably have already passed the peak of our current coaching staff and doubt it'll change until it's too late
  6. Let's give the Chiefs something they haven't seen before to react to. Eat up some clock, keep their O off the field, impose our will. All that stuff.
  7. So to Brady's quote "we knew this was coming". This would have actually been a VERY GOOD use of a time out to ensure everyone was on the same page for this HUGE situation. Seems like so many of our time outs are reactionary ("let's look at how they're gonna line up first"), silly ("Let's try to draw them Offside to get a first down") or wasted ("I'm gonna ice their kicker. That's definitely gonna work"). But on a 3rd & 6 from their 22 in overtime where we potentially have 2 plays to get 6 yards, and we're sure what defense we're gonna see and which requires all pieces know how to react...
  8. I’ll go one further. McDermott will ALWAYS waste a time out when our opponent faces a big play after they break the huddle and line up. He seems to think this gives him a clue what they’re thinking and that they will have to either change to their 2nd choice play or run the original against a D that knows what’s coming. If I was playing the Bills I’d line up in some other formation just to waste the time out then do what I wanted to do the whole time.
  9. I was looking at some statistical analysis of this today. Seems there is a slightly larger chance of a miss when you ice a kicker but there are too many variables for any of it to be a general statement. Experience level of the kicker, distance of the kick, indoor/outdoor, home or away etc. One said “it doesn’t hurt and you can’t carry time outs forward so why not?”. But having that time out if any time remains is a BIG DEAL.
  10. And not for nuthin, but having the Bills app play the shout song on my phone with updates as we go to yet another heart-ripping defeat sure doesn't help.
  11. And to go on to the next logical step... if we repeat our support of this over and over expecting a different outcome, are WE not also insane? 😵
  12. If it's true that the definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior over and over and expect a different outcome, then our coach is insane.
  13. Their offense had adjusted and our defense didn't react. We played not to lose. We played undisciplined. We made critical mental and physical errors. We mismanaged our timeouts and the clock. We got passive. Been there, done that with this regime (and others). The Houston playoff game. The Arizona game. The Chiefs playoff game. The Chiefs playoff game. Half the time, we crush bad teams. The other half, we play to the level of our opponent (good and bad) and in more than half those games we come up short. And there are very few bad teams in the playoffs. As much as I've supported "the process" and who brought it to our team, I've accepted that he is not a good gameday coach. I'll go so far to say he's a liability on gameday. And everyone knows it, including our team.
  14. historically speaking, Jacksonville has a long history of physically overpowering us. Ever since our first meeting in the 96 playoffs. We're usually more talented than they are, but they regularly beat us up and take our lunch money including 3 of the last 4 meetings. As for this game, I'm betting Fournette definitely plays with a couple of designed plays for him to learn in a hurry and of course short-yardage. Joseph plays some obvious running downs with a "just don't get moved" mandate. Remember when we liked the Bengals?
  15. Just give it to 'em ring any bells?
  16. we ready for another game like the one here 2 years ago where they passed 3 times cause they could run whenever they wanted to?
  17. Suuuuuuure feels relaxing in there. Man I hope he didn't die from oral cancer
  18. The first one I ever saw was Slapshot. The first one I ever got into by myself as a minor was Animal House. I have never laughed as hard at a movie as I did at this one. I think I hurt myself.
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