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Everything posted by JÂy RÛßeÒ

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SNjcSF_OKFM
  2. I'm in sec 136. Looks like my per seat per game cost goes from $69 to $75.
  3. Yeah, kinda light weight. I really wanted the upgrade to club seats for the fish game but I responded too late
  4. Hell if all that stuff is there you'll see me there too !
  5. I renewed mine in December (and got 2 T-shirts for it )
  6. This was always one of our favorite days as a kid because my mom never knew when it was and so we'd get to Temple just as it was letting out
  7. Apparently the trim around the numbers is made with a new, chrome-like reflective material that is supposed to make them glow. Even better...
  8. http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/27/substitute-teacher-72-arrested-for-furiously-masturbating-in-high-school-hallway/
  9. Pitta just signed a 5 yr deal with Baltimore
  10. Then maybe NFL could stand for 'N-Free League'.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk&feature=player_embedded
  12. When we went to the game in Baltimore in 2010 (OT loss), a group of us were having lunch in the team hotel restaurant and the Jackson family was doing the same thing a couple of tables over. Good people. I also remember Jon Corto, a kid from Orchard Park who made the team that year, coming over to our table and just so thrilled to be involved.
  13. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
  14. It IS the rabbit! Look at the bones!
  15. That's no ordinary rodent!
  16. Ding Ding Ding! We have a weiner!
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