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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Ahh, the socialist prefers the fancy French spelling
  2. I'm not here to fill out your questioner .
  3. Also there's nothing worse than a grown a$$ man who's a liberal progressive. Your grandfather would be ashamed of you
  4. Marxist I call your ideology Marxist
  5. And again with the "civil war" Could these fools be any more dramatic?
  6. He's mindless drone that needs to be told what to think and has an inner drive to go along with the crowd Liberal progressive idealism is great for idealistic college students, but any adult grown man that subscribes to the loose morals of liberalism is a damn fool As you get older you wise up and learn that you need to be conservative in your values, I don't even mean politically I mean in your day to day life. You learn that you have to conserve things like money and energy and personal beliefs
  7. Their vision is -jailing political opponents -horrific physical abuse of the American youth -prioritizing abortion like it's a basic human right I don't know what else. These are horrible values,
  8. Your vision is a perversion of actual democracy Your vision won't prevail because it's not true
  9. Justice isn't an emotional. It's not subjective it's clearly defined parameters and as much as you lefties think you can redefine words and laws, you can not
  10. Winning what? The contest to make the sh1ttiest version of America in history? Yeah, you guys are kicking a$$ at that....
  11. Not everything is motivated by a R v D thing. Maybe the guy was just crazy
  12. If you're gonna be a douche at least try to be funny about it
  13. Ok, I will pencil you in for oatmeal stains, Sally Have fun with your solar powered oven
  14. ^^°^^ Politicizing tragedy So classy
  15. You've already gotten more response than you warrant LHF
  16. I know you don't like seeing his garbage, I shoot from the hip so I don't usually do that I'll try to be more considerate
  17. Don't make me suffer through 4 more years of geriatric Joe because you're pussified
  18. You saw that face, he's the man, what can I say? You want drooling Joe with oatmeal stains on the front of his shirt? Or you want that warrior?
  19. "@BillStime says words" Lmao har har har
  20. I am no longer referring to Biden as anything, especially president. He is geriatric and clearly not making any decisions, he's probably senile. The administration we have today is the DNC agenda. Thats what's president, probably some collective. That beings said. The economy we have today that's hurting Americans in the wallet, mine very much included, is 100% due to poor policy of the current administration, an agenda that's been in the making for quite some time, since the hillary clinton days. An agenda that is poorly thought out and ill fashioned, an agenda that knows/knew it would cause pain, and probably said something along the lines of "screw it, this has to be done, it will cause some pain but it has to be done for the betterment of some pie in the sky idealism"
  21. No, guilty of what? Exhausting every effort of making sure that a very very close race was tabulated correctly? No No - Conspiracy Yes
  22. I think the trials are highly politically motivated and dubious and being prosecuted by an agenda driven DA whose departments time could be put to better use in the he interest of her county's citizens... I don't think the indictments are driven by the true spirit of of democratic American law And I hesitate to agree just to satiate half of the countries population who has been pre programmed by constant bombardment from a liberal agenda driven main stream media But if it makes you happy Kemp then fine, go through with the trials that being said I think the trials are a miscarriage of justice
  23. 👆 Will you two shut up before I knock both of your heads together like coconuts (Figuratively, chicken, don't report me for threatening again) No duh that's what I am saying to you
  24. TBD by an actual court of law. Not by you, not by CNN and not by axe to grind fani wilis
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