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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. It is not "above the law" It's just simply BAD FOR BUSINESS
  2. You don't tug on Superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off the ol' lone ranger And you don't arrest ex presidents
  3. Oh this will be an election season to remember for sure. With as weak of a candidate Biden is, and as hated as Trump is, I sense some spectacular political theatrics coming from the left to try and keep their guy in. It will of course be transparent to free thinkers, but sadly, so much of the population is pre programmed to follow the official state sponsored message, straight into oblivion
  4. Could you be useful for something other than wiping my butt with, and show me how to insert a gif on here?
  5. It's like cake. Cake isn't good for you but it makes you happy, and being happy is good for you. So if it makes elderly and immunocompromised feel more comfortable, makes them feel happy to go grocery shopping, comfortable, then maybe they aren't so bad. I'm not saying that they should be mandated, I'm just saying that if it makes elderly people more comfortable then don't criticize them for it.
  6. I like some of his ideas but he could be in politic 50 years and he's never going to get the nomination
  7. The lesser of two evils The enemy of my enemy... I think you can get my drift
  8. Please don't waste your vote... You know what needs to be done
  9. I will say that I've seen older people and people who look like they have health issues wearing masks out in the general public lately. I attribute that to corona, yes, and I don't disagree. If the more vulnerable people in the general public feel it necessary then I think it cannot hurt but for healthy fit and younger people to wear them because some obscure govt agency tells them too, I find that a little ridiculous.
  10. I actually wear a mask sometimes because I'm a construction worker and I'm subject to a lot of dust from chipping concrete and stuff
  11. Thank you Please come again
  12. @BillStime I'm calling it right now. Arizona will bring no indictments. They are watching the sh1tshow that the Georgia indictments are and they will say "we want no part of this"
  13. The moment they announced they were sending out that monopoly money was when I knew the dream was over
  14. Ain't you just a little Georgia peach
  15. Those who sacrifice liberty for security....
  16. NYS is obtrusively corrupt and over legislated It's not so much Hochul, it's been this way forever
  17. 👆 The boards chief Propangdaista
  18. 👆 I've honestly never seen someone highlight the color of other people's skin as much as I've seen this guy highlight it It's uncomfortable to say the least
  19. You can't reason with these sycophants, if CNN tells them to march one by one into a volcano, they'll march one by one into a volcano
  20. Fo realz
  21. I can't entertain your artificial manufactured narrative. Complete with colorful over emotional verbiage
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