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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. This is a good example of big government intervening in people homes, in your living room. This is what we can't allow in the US. It's not even about trans at this point. It's about what right does the government have to legislate why goes on in our homes. With our families and our children. This is what the Democrats stand for. Big government that somehow gets the power to intervene on our homes.
  2. Whatever happened to @Kemp? I know he only responds in his own thread
  3. Insulin shot in the USA $784 dollars Insulin shot everywhere else in the world $12 dollars... Hmmm 🤔 I don't think this is a R vs. D problem btw On a side note, Biden sucks
  4. I just don't view it that way. I'm not against Muslims and LGTBQ I just don't want offensive material in mine or my kids direct view. Trump 100% never prioritized Putin over America that's crazy. I just like conservative idealism as opposed to the rampant progressive "change just for the sake of change" agenda. I never meant to hurt you .. I never meant to make you cry....
  5. I support less government involvement and in our day to day lives. Yes, this is true And I feel no shame about that
  6. Sh1t happens quit acting like an old lady. The constitution was written so that the American public can do WAY more than just what happened happened J6. F'in bill of rights baby I say that not just to you but to the whole pearl clutching crowd
  7. It's an abomination. It's their airing of our countries dirty laundry for the world to see. It's a petty grievance and it's an embarrassment that my fellow Americans would support such a pathetic display I'm ashamed of you Dems for supporting such a grotesque miscarriage of justice
  8. I say the same to you This is a road, we as a democratic and free society, are best left untraveled
  9. You know exactly what I'm saying about setting legal precedent with this case. And I'm going to leave it at that
  10. I agree with Deek, it's bad enough precedent to indict a former president but I feel that it's totally over the top to go after the lawyers as well. Maybe in this case, that pleases the liberal left, you're happy they are going after Trump and his lawyers, but what if it was you or your friends or colleagues? Do we really want the American judicial system poised to indict lawyers too? That seems to be pushing the boundaries to authoritarianism
  11. I'm fine with the insults I really just am trying to grasp his thoughts processes here So far, from what I gather, he is saying "Trump bad"
  12. @Kemp Ok, I found some info on the interpreter https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/summit-secret-happened-helsinki-putin-trump/story?id=78273344 "The Biden administration is looking forward, not back," said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., whose panel once considered subpoenaing Trump’s interpreter to testify about his July 2018 meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, where only an American interpreter was also present. So it seems it was an American interpreter, Ok now we're really making some progress Honestly, what is your issue with this now? It proves that Trump is.... (Fil in the blank)
  13. No, I'm dead serious. What interpreter did he use? Or does he speak Korean? I genuinely don't know I'd just like to dig deeper into your question and get to the bottom of it
  14. Does Trump speak Korean?
  15. C'mon Irv, you're being terribly insensitive. That's way off base, politically incorrect and inaccurate. She's a muppet, a rug munching muppet. Not an m&m
  16. You're a good dude, Doc. You can't give these mush for brains lefties an inch, or they'll try to take a mile
  17. That's a good read
  18. I think if you give DeSantis 10-12 more years he could be a good presidential candidate, he still needs to grow some more and hone his skills for the national stage. He's got great ideas and seems to be a natural leader. With the current climate he's not ready to overtake Trump as the nominee. Trump's personality is too overwhelming, larger than life and it's like he's a 500lb gorilla on the American political scene.
  19. You are seeing what you want to see. He's trying to avoid NK from launching a nuke at us because Kim is insane everyone knows it and he's dying to launch a nuke at someone, mainly us Would you rather our president antagonizes that lunatic
  20. Every accusation is a confession 😀
  21. 👆 This is why we can't have anything nice around here +1 Trump DeSantis Nikki Haley -1 Biden Vivek Pence
  22. @Kemp I think it's a "keep your friends close and your enemy closer" thing I think that is exactly what it is Kemp. There are a ton of authoritarian countries with the United States in their crosshairs these days. Which needs to be recognized and dealt with. Ignoring them, instigating, them, or making secret backroom deals with them like the Biden administration seems to do isn't the answer. Xi won't even talk to Biden. Neither will Putin Hell, even Saudi Arabia won't talk to him anymore because he's such an idiot. At least Trump was able to keep dialogue with these authoritarian leaders. Insinuating that he "loves" them makes you seem like a man-child There, I answered your question, now quit stomping around throwing a fit like a little girl yelling at her brother because she lost her ball.
  23. Your question is absurd
  24. @Kemp You want to ask ridiculous questions and bait someone into your predetermined scenario then when they don't play along with your ridiculousness you claim some sort of victory and give yourself an imaginary trophy It's cute Keep running with your narrative that you own everyone on the board except for your buddies, Larry and Curly
  25. He definitely does need a CNN article
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