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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. I guess it's not Tre day after all
  2. So do we still love Josh? Or no I vote we still love him
  3. @BillStime Has Arizona indicted yet? I haven't been paying attention
  4. FAFO' er. 👆
  5. You need a qx-6500 to deal with the new variant
  6. You're talking like @BillStime now? Gross
  7. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-send-its-first-depleted-uranium-rounds-ukraine-sources-2023-09-01/ Biden administration is sending depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine I highly disagree with this and I don't know why Ukraine would even want to use them on their own soil
  8. I was just curious I'm not surprised that she has gone radio silent being that she's prosecuting the case of the millennium. And she's sure to be under scrutiny from the defense. I think the defense is already looking at some of her past politicized social media interactions
  9. Some of these libs are so nervous about this election they probably have live up to the minute polling data apps on their home screens 😂
  10. They are the FAFO'ers Idk if it's a cult or what but it's definitely a large contingent of followers
  11. The state always seems to manage to fûck stuff like this up, don't they? Private lawyers seem to get much better results in big complicated high profile cases like these. I hope the libs are ok when all this is said and done
  12. They really have a muzzle on Fani Willis right now, don't they. How does her Twitter look right now? How bout her Facebook. I know you keep an eye on these things. Has she posted about any political rallies or fundraisers lately?
  13. You know they're worried about Fani Willis's politically motivated indictments when the governor has to address the issue.
  14. DNC is absolutely trying to starve us out on purpose. At this point, it's undeniable that there is some pre planned pre determined shadow agenda behind all of this
  15. You aren't going to change anyone's mind on here, but maybe you can make people with opposing views think twice. Make sure people aren't spreading false information. it's fun to argue, call each other out, mock each other, mock politicians. But yes, we are wasting our time Good times man
  16. Yeah I was looking at that when I was arguing with one of you booger eaters last week or so. I found it inconclusive You guys are the ones who want to be ble to cancel your political rivals and amendments to the Constitution.
  17. You guys just want to be able to run any sham candidate you want completely unopposed Are you really this scared of Trump/ conservatives Don't answer, we already know
  18. Wow '16 really did break you guys badly huh
  19. I would vilify the crap.outya them... Lol
  20. I get Trumps mentality, it's a "keep your friends close, your enemies closer" type of thing. Democrats have different mentality in my view. Trump is clearly like an old fashioned hard-a$$ type. I get that, I can relate with that. Democrats are more the smile and lie to you types. We can all agre, I think, that politicians are pretty sleazy, Trump just does it to your face where a Biden tries to be sneaky behind your back about it. Again, me personally, I can better relate to the "right to your face" approach
  21. I'm honestly not trying to be sarcastic at all, I just think that it's really unheard of for an American president to meet with authoritarian leaders like Putin and Kim Jung whatever-his-name. I really don't think he secretly conspired with them to undermine America or democracy. I think he was trying to do something no other president was able to do in having some open lines of communication. The interpretor was nearly subpoenaed to give the transcript of the conversation, but that was clearly politically motivated by the left who didn't trust/ didn't want to trust Trump. It was an attack to diminish his accomplishments in meeting with these leaders. But the left backed off the subpoena probably because it didn't make political sense for them I just don't see how Trump meeting with these leaders is some indictment of him being a dictator
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