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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Change the thread title to bills times follies because that's what this thread is filled with.
  2. In other words... Fuq off
  3. Liberal democrats appeal to every downtrodden immigrant, minority and out of the ozone layer special interest group.... Sensibility is becoming extinct. And the media has been weaponized. I expect the democrats could run a potato in '24 as long as they promise national gender reassignment and subsidized abortions, I expect the majority of the American public will vote for them. I mean, look at the mess that was made of the supposed pandemic and the economy and it still wasn't enough to make sweeping changes in the mid terms
  4. I feel that an embroidered letter on their lapels would be dignified. For them
  5. He is outside, can't you see the picture of him blowing a trumpet in someone's face?
  6. Can't stop politicizing a tragedy, can you. You just can't help yourself
  7. I'm upset about it. Everybody's upset about it. But you turn it to "classic MAGA" to try to push your perverse agenda, you're using tragic events to claim some sort of political superiority and that's just... Beyond words. Simmer down Francis
  8. So we can add disingenuous to your list of mental deficiencies? Cool
  9. Every take is worse than the last
  10. Classic MAGA? That's your take on this? You consistently have the worst takes ever. The bodies aren't even cold yet and you're politicizing this tragedy. That's disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself
  11. Could you imagine that being your job? Being an abortionist? All that blood on your hands? How would you sleep
  12. The Tops shooter is costing Erie county an astronomical amount of money. Taxpayers should be on the hook to provide housing, food, and security for someone like that?
  13. Get back to me when you start making sense, ok? Because I really don't understand where you are coming from, or going to with this.
  14. We truly are living in bizzaro world these days.
  15. We are already paying exorbitant amounts of money we don't have, so sure. Yes Fully willing
  16. Yeah, @ChiGoose, God forbid people face consequences for their actions.
  17. Tf arw .you talking about. $3500 dollars Make it expensive. Like over-regulated cars with an average price of a new car being 45,000 dollars now. Sh1ts expensive. Make abortions expensive De-incentivize them
  18. I gave answers! I have a plan! You just don't like it! Plus... You are an idiot
  19. I'm starting to think you are dense. I advocate for taking it much more seriously.
  20. Creating life is a big deal man. If you're going to create life and then shortly after request to terminate it there needs to be some serious consequences to that. It can't be like going through the McDonald's drive through for a couple of mcdoubles
  21. Sad how darkness weaves it's way into our very souls
  22. One last thing and I'll leave it be. From an institutional standpoint, it's about population control of minorities. But it's also a bandwagon for women's rights so hooray!
  23. $3500, payment plans available. Creating life is a responsibility that has consequences, whether you're 14 or 40. Consequences.
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