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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Answer my question first punk. Then I'll answer yours Oh, and here's your shovel
  2. You know it's in large part human nature to want to be told what to do.
  3. So cancel history to spare your tender vittles. One of the epic literary classics of the ages to protect your sensitive feelings. Not to mention the hypocritical aspect of you calling the right the book ban people. Keep posting If you want but you're digging your hole deeper and deeper by the minute. Ban this too? He uses the N word.
  4. Dude the liberals are the ones who ban books. Is that hard for you to wrap your brain around?
  5. You're really deep into negative credibility points with a post like this.
  6. They want abortions and to groom their children as transgenders?
  7. We still have a rew more rouge nations were gonna have to deal with, don't blow our wad on that mudpit
  8. Maybe the weapons manufacturers could do a charitable donation.
  9. I was being nice about it, you wanna be a little B word we can go there too. Russia's on the ropes, we don't need to keep robbing the taxpayers so the elites have a place to launder their warmonger money. Give Ukraine maybe 5 billion, not 55 billion. That's ridiculous. It's your line of thinking that has Mac and cheese at $5 dollars a box, a Toyota Camry at $48,000 dollars and Taylor swift tickets for $87,000 dollars. Enough with the stupidity already.
  10. We probably should figure out a way in the future to take all of Russia's resources. My kids are gonna be paying for this war til they're 30. How will we fund the conflicts in the future?
  11. He doesn't have the money for Iran. Russia is toast which is why they are carpet bombing with 40 year old missiles Russia is getting their peepee slapped by a country the size of New York.
  12. Yknow, one of these days I'm gonna reach through this wifi and dunk your head in the toilet
  13. He's tough, he can take the whuppin
  14. I love the bills time follies thread
  15. Putin doesn't have the money or technology to rearm. He has already cut off his nose to spite his face.
  16. You need to do some self reflection
  17. You're just hurt cuz your husband tibs hasn't come to defend your honor yet
  18. Hey, weapons manufactures gotta eat too, y'know.
  19. Slanderous. You should be sued for saying that You'd get much better discussion by not saying blatant lies
  20. Wait, so you're sticking up for corporations now? That's some next level stupidity Brougham, good to see you stepping up your game though.
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