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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. I would venture to say Jewish people are safer in the United States than they are in Israel.
  2. C'mon man. There isn't a big anti semitism movement. There's maybe the hells angels and the skinheads, that's a really small tiny and miniscule percentage of the problem. Israelites are not in hiding in fear for their safety in this country.
  3. 1. It's an issue today because it seems like the progressive liberal left likes to highlight topics that illicit maximum outrage to the lowest common denominator? 2. It exists because a fringe lunatic created it. There's really not anti semitism or Naziism problem in this country, outside of a couple of crazy groups with less than 100 people. We support the heck out of Israel and as long as the United States stands as it is, we will prioritize Israel as our number one most important ally And that's because of traditional, conservative values, like that Israel is God's chosen people. Beyond that, any theories you have about anti semitism, I can't help you with.
  4. By that very tweet, he's giving it a platform. What the hell
  5. You're gonna go all night long doing what? Giving the worst takes ever? Give it up man, you're spent. 😂
  6. I won't use loss of life as a tool. But dude, I don't know if you know this, but you're kind of a punch line around here
  7. I'm glad you said it, I was holding back from bringing the mom's into this Just stop, the Jewish people are quite fine and safe in the United States
  8. Israel is the most important and significant ally of the United States in the last 75-100 years. Our countries have unconditionally supported each other for a long time in the past and will continue to do so for a long time to come. And our support of Israel is one of the things that makes me the most proud of to be an American. You need mental help Our support of Israel is out of traditional and conservative values and won't be bastardized by you liberal progressive freaks
  9. You have as much chance of running across an actual Nazi or anti semite as you do of having a meteor fall on your house. Comparing the United States in any way to world war II era Nazi Germany is absurd and the people trying to make this comparison should be ashamed of themselves for sheer stupidity alone. So stop acting like bills time and enough with the Nazi talk.
  10. It's all marketing man, you know, statistics show 1 in 4 homes have an 11% chance of being struck by meteorites. Just sayin
  11. I'm not seeing it Sundancer. I'm not seeing a normalization of Nazism or anti semitism. I see the normalization coming from those that are splattering social media with references to it, but I'm not seeing an uptick in actual Nazis. Or actual anti semites. I'm seeing a lot of rhetoric on it coming from the left on it though. Like if I start warming you about the dangers of meteorites falling on your home for long enough, you're gonna worry about meteorites falling on your home right? Would you be interested in buying a meteorite shield for your home? Or meteorite insurance?
  12. The DNC is the problem, not Nazis. This is getting ridiculous
  13. Why are they highlighting this? Is this a real big problem in our country? I feel like this might be rhetoric designed to incite manufactured fear
  14. Oh good shepherd, lead your sheep.
  15. We need to get some REAL harassables in here pronto. The spirit of this thread is dying I'm looking at you @BillStime here kitty kitty, c'mon kitty come her ya little scamp.
  16. Let's not forget you started this discussion with this
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