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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Cincy to win it all, so at least we could say we were beat by the best team in the league.
  2. Fire mcd immediately, were gonna waste josh Allen s entire career with this guy being a "good guy". Is Belichick a good guy? Is Bill parcels a good guy? Was Vince Lombardi a good guy? I don't want a good guy as a head coach. I want a winner.
  3. The eagles would kill both these teams put together
  4. No one is going to "win" in this war. There will only be loser 1 and loser 2
  5. It's good to see that you're happy to bend over and spread um for the global elites. They need people like you
  6. That's a good point. Don't forget, the Biden administration is also depleting our strategic oil reserves too.
  7. They should take the final score when they called the game. I know that might not be popular around here, but they were beating us.
  8. Have you guys tried the new white supreme pizza from pizza hut? It's really good. It's got Alfredo sauce instead of red sauce and all the supreme toppings.
  9. This is intense. I'm pumped
  10. Seems like the whole neighborhood is out shoveling and snowblowing. I love how when we get blizzards like this we ban together as a community, get out there and move some snow! Stay classy buffalo, talkin proud!
  11. Use diplomacy to end it, don't pour gasoline on it. Ya dummy Biden administration sucks so bad it's gross.
  12. Ignorance is cheerleading a war that nobody but the .001% global power brokers want.
  13. Either you are playing dumb, or you are dumb. Frankly, I don't know which is worse.
  14. It's been more than 6% 68 billion we have sent them, defense budget is roughly 800 billion. What's that? Like 9%? You're downplaying the money like it's no big deal. And your fact was inaccurate so I just wanted to point that out.
  15. 6% for this round maybe. We are sending them money like this practically monthly. And these 6%'s actually add up, did you know that?
  16. You sure? We could build them a stadium too, get them an NFL team. Seriously, whose paying for all of this? Are your kids gonna be paying for this? Because mine are, they don't even know that yet. I'm not thrilled
  17. At this point we might as well make Ukraine the 51st state. They need to start paying taxes!
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