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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that half of Florida is built on sand at sea level right? Because insurance company's are know for assessing their risk based on politics right? Im so sure
  2. Yeah? You're gonna cancel them once your Marxist utopia really takes hold? You soulless genderless bastard! 🤣
  3. The administration is controlling the narrative, and people are buying the lies. That's actually chilling to me. We have been in a recession and somehow the administration has convinced people we are not. I'm sorry you are one of those people. You seem like an otherwise not so bad guy.
  4. Stop it What do you think this economy has been doing since 2020, are you to argue it has not contracted? Recessed? But but but...? Charts and graphs?
  5. Gotta love how this administration has dodged admitting we are in a recession. How have they gotten away with that?
  6. You're right, Marxist is probably the better term for what the current left has evolved into.
  7. I think you're gonna lose everyone at "MAGA commies" As that name calling far left tactic is a full on commie tactic. Maybe you'll get someone intelligent to try to dissect what else is wrong with your post, who knows?
  8. Ahhh, the indoctrination is strong with this one.
  9. I watched it, that was really powerful.
  10. https://www.momsforliberty.org/chapters/erie-county-ny/ The Erie county MFL link, if anyone wants to donate or volunteer. No they don't wear spiked helmets and carry bayonets. They're a group of conservative minded mom's and family's who believe in traditional family values, I encourage you all to take a look and decide for yourselves
  11. I'm gonna have to put you on ignore for a bit, I think I'm losing brain cells by the minute reading your ridiculous fabrications It's physically painful at this point billy boy
  12. Oh that's precious, I'm sure the southern California school board is super GOP
  13. The more you try to radicalize Mom's, the more you devour yourself Good luck on that crusade honcho
  14. The more you try to propaganda them, the more legitimate you make them. Because you're too radical
  15. Wang dang sweet poontang
  16. Fine, you win. This Biden economy really is amazing
  17. Remember when Biden went there a couple months ago, what a warm reception he received.... Of you're gonna stand your ground on the "whaa are you talkin about" tactic, then we are done here
  18. It's a major factor in the Biden administrations relations, or lack of, with Saudi's. Adding to our energy woes, depleting our strategic oil reserves, and harming our economy. It's the administrations policies. Liberal idealism, is great when you're in your 20's, but there comes a time when you have to grow up and be a man. And sometimes the best decisions are not always the most popular decisions.
  19. Well if you guys want EVs to be viable you should start working on infrastructure for them, instead of just arbitrarily forcing GM and Ford to try to produce millions of them in the next 3 years. The technology isn't ready for prime time yet. And where are we gonna get all this electricity from to charge them en masse. And it just leads me to the point of how short sighted the left is. Your last couple of posts have really shown that.
  20. So the administrations policies have nothing to do with the cold shoulder we are getting from Saudi Arabia,? Why are the Saudis solidifying their relations with Russia and China? They have been one of our strongest allies for 70 years. Bidens energy policies have nothing to do with that? His coming out as soon as he was elected and saying we are going to reduce our dependence on foreign energy had nothing to do with that? Why did the administration release 30% of our nations strategic oil reserves? Subsidizing the energy market for 4 months before mid term elections? When inflation started to spike, food and household goods prices, all you heard about on the news was how it was due to energy costs and labor. Yet you disagree? Interesting. If you can't grasp the rudimentary principal, and if you're going to let partisan politics cloud your judgement here, then there's no point in arguing.
  21. Alright, I'll be serious about this for a minute. The $5.00 Mac and cheese at tops is the Velveeta shells and cheese, I believe it's $3.49 at Walmart to save you the research. Now we have all seen an uptick in prices across the board at the grocery store, which is due to the increase in the price of energy, fuel used to make and transport the products we buy daily. This has an effect on middle class and working class Americans, it has an effect on our quality of life. Do you agree or disagree that the rise in prices at the grocery store and gas pump is due to the Biden administrations energy policies?
  22. I was talking about the kind with king crab in it, from Whole Foods. Not that swill Apples to oranges Frank
  23. Tyrod Taylor really sucked badly, and was kinda painful to watch. That's why he's not really revered
  24. I'm proud to be America, but the political end of the country is a scam. The Ukraine war is a scam The pandemic was a scam Trump was a scam And Obama was a scam And it goes back further. Social media is being used as a tool to uproot is, divide us, radicalize us... We're strong as a country of course, but too many people are falling into the trap. It's bothersome. Hopefully things straighten out.
  25. He was a very beautiful woman.
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