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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. That would honestly be better than being forced to buy a battery car
  2. Can you show me this doctrine you speak of. Seems to me like one of their main goals is limited government intervention in families. Maybe you want the government checking your underwear for stains every morning, but I do not. Can we see this doctrine that talks about keeping kids uneducated so they can be married at 15?
  3. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids
  4. So you think it could have been vaccine related?
  5. I'm just trying to put it into terms that you kids today can understand. Now get off my lawn
  6. He should have made it about killing Republicans, the wokes would have loved that
  7. Irv, what it comes down to, is that they are too scared to criticize that awful rap music because they are afraid. Afraid of upsetting another demographic, and being labeled racist, but the white guy, the country singer, he's safe to go after, he's comfortable. That rap music is 1000x's worse than this and we all know it, and no one says a word. Because there scared, intimidated. But the minute a white guy says something perceived as socially questionable, omg the lynch mobs are out. That's why they're chickens because they have a double standard, and let certain groups get away with certain things out of fear. Chickens
  8. Bawk! Bawk!
  9. You ain't no hawk.more like a chicken, redtail chicken, that's your name from now on
  10. Totally cool though right redtail? Or this? Listen to them But that country song, that's where you're drawing the line huh. Interesting hill to choose to fight for. Let me know how that works out for you
  11. There's a ton of sh1tty music out nowadays with horrible racist and hyper sexual lyrics, yet THIS is the song we pick out to have a national referendum on.. Alrighty then, carry on
  12. The beasmaster
  13. I feel really sad for you that you live in a country where people have the right to protest.
  14. So its the United States taxpayers responsibility to protect Africa and the middle east now? Interesting, tell me more...
  15. Bullsh1t That's an irresponsible and dangerous cop out. This is the result of unscrupulous and immoral societal messages being told to young people all day every day. If you tell your kid how great heroin is all growing up, then they have a rampant drug problem at 18-19, whose fault is that? You're gonna blame the kid? Making this weird crap so accessable is a huge issue.
  16. Conservative hippie vs. warhawk liberal What has this world come to
  17. Seriously quit getting cute and trying to play it up like they are leaving because of Desantis. You're playing stupid doing that and it's just not a good look for you
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