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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Yes, because lgbtqu+ is a time honored pillar of American family values
  2. You should buy stock in Disney
  3. I'm not sure that Biden would physically survive it
  4. It would be kinda fun to watch Trump and Biden debate
  5. It's like the battle of the sleaziest
  6. I'm not the one who needs convincing, young people and women are not going to vote for him. That's why the DNC is harvesting that vote along with the immigrant vote and that's where the last election results came from That's why we are stuck with sleepy Joe.
  7. Trump is so toxic, women hate him. That's where he will lose.
  8. They own the media, you see all the lies, you see all the people falling for them. I don't underestimate the stupidity of the general voting public anymore.
  9. I agree but Trump has ruined the conservative base and is unelectable. Which is the main reason they are going so hard after him. To incite the republican base into voting for him because he literally cannot win.
  10. I'm not voting for that. I'd vote for a potato first
  11. This question is really depressing because you know we're gonna get stuck with 8 full years of Biden.
  12. I'd rather that they were hungry they like a wolf
  13. Will it matter with the Saudis bending sleepy Joe over an oil barrel and having their way with him. We are in for a rough next 12 months
  14. Well, some people are more comfortable being told, some people are more comfortable thinking for themselves. Everybody's different I guess. I bet you still have toilet paper hoarded up in your basement, don't you.
  15. I love your reference to the republican deaths vs democrat deaths. Did they check their voter cards and notate it on the death certificate? Where are the charts and graphs on this? Who compiled this data? I have so many questions about this. Please enlighten me
  16. Spoken like a true little billstime clone. Trucks with countless sacks of bodies a couple of miles from your house? I will defer if you can show some sort of evidence to that. And that whole R vs D thing just makes you sound... Less credible
  17. It was all such a scam. Brought to you by morons like the chicken, and shemp
  18. Remember when our govt ordered all those body bags for COVID? And set up all those mobile crematoriums? And the toilet paper, omg the toilet paper shortages So many young strong vibrant lives, taken, stolen, by the unvaccinated... Crazy times man
  19. It took you all afternoon to come up with that gem?
  20. Is that for the mattress tag thing? ^
  21. And tyrod Taylor had the highest competition rating in the NFL for awhile there, didn't he Sincerely, have a really good day
  22. Whose worse? A fool, or someone who argued with a fool?
  23. The chicken squawks again. All you do is squawk all day that's why you're the red tail chicken. Don't peddle your fear here chicken. And I'm not debating COVID deaths with you, those statistics, like statics often are, are manipulated
  24. Over 80, guess what, old people die. I'm really sorry to break these cold hard facts to you, but that is what happens.
  25. Still taking that lie like communion, huh. Good little trained monkey
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