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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. The reason they have to raise interest rates is because they printed too much money. It all started with the stimulus checks at the beginning of the pandemic. Anyone with any sense could see that that action was going to put the economy in tailspin for years to come. I do hope you all enjoyed your $1600 bucks though, or whatever it was
  2. The prices at the grocery store on individual items low key go up here and there.i do the shopping so I pay attention. Like cooking oil, for instance, seems to go up a little bit every time I go to buy it.
  3. You oughta show a little.more resect for the working man, chicken the guys who built your house, the guys who fix your car. Do you really want to tread on those guys? Because man, that's a battle guys like you will lose every time.
  4. It just seems like the left can't process anything that isn't state and or corporate sponsored. Sad Projecting your vast knowledge of inaccuracies as usual
  5. Idk man, just was a little fancy for my tastes To each their own
  6. The FBI executes them?
  7. TF is wrong with you
  8. Clarence Thomas is cool, let him have a nice RV, Who cares?
  9. That guitar sounds really good
  10. I know you are but what am I
  11. Nobody wants to control women,
  12. Ok They must have been trump supporters
  13. Just spitballin here, but maybe we could send them to Ukraine? That might cut down on people trying to cross the border?
  14. Not everything is political, it's tragic that she had to go through this. Why don't you take a minute to feel for an actual person's tragedy instead of using a tragic event to politicize a point. Who cares if it happened in Texas or Massachusetts she lost her baby because of a series of mistakes.
  15. My point is she could have just left on her own accord., it's a medical emergency she was pregnant, hers and the unborn babys life is more important than the job.
  16. Who knows, It's billstime, up is down and down is up with him*. Don't try to figure her out
  17. This is really tragic and goes beyond any political statement to be made. I know that hindsight is 20/20, but it sounds like she should have called her husband to come pick her up once she knew she was going into labor. Forget the job, just get to the hospital. This is her child, it's more important than any job.
  18. We get it dude, you support the FBI death squad. Kinda scary, I'm against death squads personally
  19. https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-calls-china-ticking-time-bomb-due-economic-troubles-2023-08-10/ Biden misstates China's GDP growth, calls its economy a 'ticking time bomb' Could this guy get any more embarrassing?
  20. https://www.reuters.com/legal/kelloggs-woke-workplace-diversity-programs-are-illegal-group-claims-2023-08-09/ Oh great, now I have to boycott Kellogg's? I love corn flakes! Damn woke a$$es gotta ruin EVERYthing
  21. The city of Buffalo is like a third world country. While the liberal women voters stay safe in their white as the driven snow suburban neighborhoods. A BLM sign on every front lawn yet not a brown person in miles. It's very twilight zone-esque
  22. Get all you best state sponsored news and information right in one easy convenient thread. You go girl
  23. Right I was asking for good news, chicken, tell me how awesome Biden economy is for you. Don't bring me down man
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