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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. From the Reuters article I posted in the other thread. "Heritage officials have held in-depth discussions with DeSantis' team about restructuring the Justice Department, abolishing the Department of Education, firing thousands of mid-level bureaucrats and disentangling the U.S. from Ukraine, according to those people." They do support many of these planks, John.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/conservative-think-tank-emerges-force-behind-desantis-campaign-2023-08-18/ Stay the course Ron, he may have a good shot at this. There's alot of time between now and Nov '24
  3. We should place value in the nuclear family as a society because it's a healthy way to ensure stability from generation to generation. Of course not everyone will have that, it's something to strive for and VALUE. Traditional family value We shouldn't assault it. The nuclear family doesn't need to be defeated, it's not an enemy. You asked why nobody has explained this to you, maybe it's because you're being kinda a d1ck about the way you asked. And yes, spirituality fits in there also. Are you going to passive aggressively be a d1ck about that too? The op asked for 5 planks, those are my 5 planks. You get your own planks if you'd like
  4. The nuclear family Do I need to define THAT to you children too.
  5. Democrats have held office for 12 of the last 16 years that's why our country is in the fiscal mess it is in. You can't dodge and duck that. That's on your chosen political party.
  6. Fiscal conservatism Smaller govt Gun rights Death penalty Traditional family values
  7. $1 trillion a year in INTEREST on our national debt, more than the defense budget is success? And he's still spending like a drunk sailor The stock market is a mess and headed for a crash, ballooning personal debt, and nothing but war in eastern Europe is a successful presidency? An approval rating of like 38%? And it would be worse if everyone wasn't so fixated on Trumps indictments rather than the mess Biden is making of the economy. This is why nobody even talks to you on here anymore because you are just so clownishly out of touch and off base on the things you say, you don't have an original thought all you do is speak in tweets and memes I don't wanna be mean to you billy but you can't be so stupid.
  8. Because he is potent, where Biden is impotent. Biden is the literal president yet it seems like he still plays second fiddle to Trump in every way. Media coverage, influence everything People talk about Trump 100x's more than they talk about Biden and that eats away at you, I know it does. That's why you're so fixated . Always posting pictures and gifs of him like you just can't get enough of his face, his voice. But that's ok though he's a very potent leader, where Biden is off sleeping at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
  9. If Biden was such a good president then why is the entire country, first and foremost YOU, fixated on Trump still?
  10. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-staying-lake-tahoe-home-climate-activist-tom-steyer-2023-08-19/ How many vacations does this guy take?
  11. I didn't know, I am not a big fan of his.
  12. Who the heck did that? Alright I don't want to bicker with you, I know you're a white knight for truth and justice. I hope your crusade goes well for you
  13. No Tht picture looks like he's going to kidnap him and throw him in the trunk of his car. Coming up behind him lurching over him with his hand over his mouth and neck. That's super disturbing
  14. Europe does certainly need a buffer from Russia, but Europe may need to face the fact that we need to concede Ukraine or send NATO troops. Which in my opinion is a recipe for disaster Sh*ts getting real in that conflict. Russia is not going to pack up and go home because we sent 30 M1A1 Abrams
  15. That is an old story, that was reported quite awhile ago.
  16. That does not look comforting at all
  17. I have to decline that question because I'm not familiar enough with the subject matter to answer. I'm also going to have to bow out of the one upmanship that many, including myself, have had going on around here.
  18. That was my point, I just don't see what strategic end our government sees coming from the international welfare program we are running over there, that isn't going to cut it. Russia is just going to wait it out terrorizing that nation until the west either gives in or sends troops And if that was to happen Russia is just chomping at the bit to drop a nuke on that nation. Which is what they will do if NATO ever was to send troops
  19. I do think that it's time for MAGA to fly the coop because his goose is cooked
  20. Like a shooting star it burned bright for a moment and then it was gone
  21. I usually go with Marxist. As a matter of fact, I saw a poster someone had up with a Karl Marx quote at work just yesterday
  22. Then democrats went off the reservation, rigging elections and pandering to fringe groups selling your souls for votes. What did your grandfather say about abortion rights and transgender rights
  23. I know! Democrats used to be about the people! When did they become so militant and fascist? '16, I guess
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