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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. I don't see any lack of available educational resources for African American studies in Arkansas or anywhere in the US. There is plentiful and easily accessable information on African American history. I think this article, and anyone whose outraged by the governor of Arkansas is creating a problem where there isn't one to push an extreme leftist agenda. I'd argue that the far left, the more extreme end of that spectrum pushes a racial divide through misrepresenting and framing race relations in a negative light. It isn't healthy for our country to perpetuate racial divide. We all know the history of our nation, we should look to a better future instead of dwelling on the negativities of the past. I didn't bail, you just really haven't contributed anything to the debate. Do you have a counterpoint?
  2. The walls be closing https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-poll-indictments-2023-08-20/
  3. We are all entitled to our opinions, just go hard or go home
  4. I take an opinion based approach on here. I like to mess with you because you're easy, I don't mean any harm to me it's all in good spirit. I actually have tried to back off on you because I do realize I've been hard on you, somewhat deserved because I've seen you throw around the words "moron" and "idiot" a little too flagrantly But I am honestly trying to back off on that all. The left, to me, is irrational and emotion driven, and thats feminine in my eyes. Politics should be approached pragmatically, and there's no place for emotion in politics. I think that's where our country falters, too many people voting with their hearts instead of their minds
  5. That is the second time you've mentioned lying. Provide examples please
  6. Tender vines have tender grapes 😀
  8. That was no insurrection by any metric Linguistic gymnastics do not suit you
  9. That is up for higher powers than you and I to decide.
  10. Dodge duck dive dip and dodge The 5 "D's" of dodgeball You rock C-section, stay true to yourself my man 😀
  11. There were no weapons, there was no rebellion, no revolt, it was a protest. Insurrection is a rebellion. This can be debated ad nauseum, and it will be. You know how lawyers like to argue, I mean, you are one, right?
  12. You guys are talking agriculture?
  13. You put alot of effort into pontificating but you put very little effort into backing it up, I get it, English is hard. Insurrection implies a military style action, a revolt, a rebellion. I did not see a rebellion, I didn't see a military takeover, I saw a few hundred disillusioned protesters entering a public building and kicking a few doors breaking a few windows, and milling about not sure what they were doing in there then leaving after an hour or two. Does that amount to a military revolt? They didn't have weapons so I do not believe that it did. The insurrection term coined by the CNN crowd and the all too eager democratic party, to take power, just doesn't sit with me. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck it's probably a duck. It's not an antelope. But I guess I should expect nothing less than attempts to redefine English language like the democratic party does "I'm not a man, I'm a woman" "It's not a recession, it's an economic downturn" Etc etc etc. You guys need to clean up your verbiage.
  14. I would like to know the subject matter first, once you can provide the curriculum id be happy to provide examples of what is good and bad bout it
  15. In many many years, stayed tuned... I do not know that he's a commie as much as he is just a pompous blowhard
  16. First of all we are going to have to clearly define the term "insurrection" You see how this works?
  17. I made a statement, refute it
  18. Yes some of these guys really do create some fantastic illusions in their own minds. Free thinking seems to be becoming a dinosaur in today's world.
  19. Debate me on it in your own words if you got the stones. No tweets
  20. No I just like playing cat and mouse with you little fellas
  21. How come you put his name in "quotes"? That's a @BillStime thing. Are you a @BillStime disciple now? Please tell me THAT guy ain't your leader...
  22. I mean, I think that's debatable based on the actual wording of the course material. It's a sensitive subject so as long as it's worded properly and neutral then the course is fine, but if it's worded in a way to slant influence and perception in one way or another then it could be dangerous This is another instance where a simple tweet really doesn't define or clarify the whole argument. But thanks for playing, try again next week 😀
  23. The term "insurrection" has been tossed around, from the start, for a reason it seems. It could be argued that it was a rally gone awry. It's the liberal CNN crowd that has insisted on "insurrection" from the start, and after reading this article, for obvious reasons. The liberal Democrat controlled media has been pushing that narrative, as well as the "overthrow the government" narrative. But that's a Democrat strategy, control the narrative. And who could be anymore democrat affiliated than CNN, which at this point is basically just a tabloid like the national enquirer. The crowd truly believed that the election had been rigged, that dead people had votes counted, and illegal immigrant votes had been counted, which I personally believe was the case, there is evidence of that being the case. So their goal wasn't to overthrow the government, their goal was to not concede the presidency until it was 100% true that the election results had not been manipulated. There's video of government agency employees inciting the crowd to enter the building, egging on an already highly tense crowd because the magnitude of what was at stake was so sacred and so important. There was never and coordinated goal of "overthrowing the government", the crowd, and the candidate simply wanted to be certain that the results of the election hadn't been manipulated and I argue that they had every right to get to the bottom of the election results. This is not a clear cut case, I know you fancy yourself an absolutist, a legal expert but this complex set of circumstances really can't be definitively decided in the court of public opinion. This is going to take many years in the supreme court to sort out so just calm your t*ts
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