Ok, so clearly im not one to post very much on here, but some of this craps drivin me nuts and im gonna have to throw my hat into the ring here. All this negativity towards ej is insane! He is our qb! We are all bills fans! Get behind him! You read the article in the buffalo news today about how ej's looked good the last week or so, and all there are are comments about how he sucks and will never amount to anything. I come here to see what people are talking about and its all comments about how hes 2nd rate and wont take us anywhere. Do you tell youre kids that theyll never amount to anything when theyre not solving quadratic equations at 4 years old?
Man, let the guy play! Its a game, let him have some fun out there! Hes a bill! Hes our guy! Let him get behind us, and lets get behind him. I bought my 2boys, 2 1/2 and 11 months ej manuel jerseys this weekend and were gonna be the first ones downtown flippin over cop cars and lighting garbage cans on fire when our boy, ej, leads us to the promised land in this upcoming magical season fueled by the memory of the only owner weve ever known! Now whose with me, lets get it on and get this season rollin! And GO BILLS!