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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Man, were all pissed about this loss! Orton threw three crappy passes on that last drive. As deer in the headlights as the kid may be, you watched him enough to say he would have scored more than 13 points today. Bench grandpa Kyle and lets see what we have in the kid now
  2. Now which team do you work for now? Mr. Pro team scout and chief talent evaulator
  3. Did anyone think Orton was really gonna take us anywhere? And theres a thread for this b/c he missed the throws. Now that "experiment"was a real fun couple of weeks but can we please get back to the kids development now?
  4. Because hes Kyle frickin Orton! A middeling, journeyman QB whose been on 5 teams for a reason. Anyone who thought Orton was gonna put the team on his back and take 'em to the playoffs is fooling themselves! Now weve burned a year of EJ's development on a season that we werent gonna make the playoffs anyways. i lay this loss at Ortons feet. He had 2:30 to get it in the endzone at the end of the game and didnt make the throws. Wheres your messiah now?
  5. Fudge these fudgin' fudgepackers
  6. Team play... D looks awesome
  7. I dont know who the hell could complain about this offense today
  8. If the Bills do not want to suck, they need to prove it in the second half
  9. Bacteria fears being eaten by Kiko!
  10. Buy tickets for a Bills and Sabres game on the same day and get a free Bills puck
  11. Wonder how Brady will do with lasers in his retinas
  12. If the season was one game long, i still wouldnt vote Orton as comeback player of the year
  13. If we beat the Pats this weekend, Peyton Manning will be compared to HIM! As in, "Peyton needs to dress more like Kyle" And "Peyton needs to grow a Kylestache" And finally "If Peyton had Kyle's swagger hed have a ring for every finger!"
  14. The key to space travel is a cold glass of Tang
  15. Man, we throw legend status around pretty easy these days. But i agree, part of his charm is that he looks like hes wearing his dads suit.
  16. I wish they had November as testicular cancer awareness month. Remember to check your balls, guys!
  17. Let us know when we get one, ok?
  18. Maybe the refs should just check with Belichick first, before anymore flags are thrown.
  19. I know weve had a few rookie QB's succeed in the last couple of seasons, but can we not forget what a complex position that is to learn?
  20. As far as #7 To be fair, EJ has dropped one or two in there like that as well. Maybe overly defensive of the kid but lets not give up on him yet.
  21. If the Bills had talent, coaching, competitive fire and a QB, wed be dangerous...
  22. Maybe Orton will pull out his earpiece, stomp it into the turf and just start playing some sandlot ball. Ignore the OC would be our best chance. Nice sticky fingers grab there Sammy
  23. Sounds like Harbaugh will be available after this season. Mr. Pegula? Maybe your people could talk to his people?
  24. Dammit!! Enough of Spiller up the middle!! Dont ever call that play again! Ever!
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