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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Hitting the egg nog pretty hard yesterday?
  2. The trade was brillient. They shouldve given Cleveland our 1st in 2016 too. A generational talent, i say. Just give em a few more years, Sammy will come into his own, that franchise QB will come through in a few years and youll see. Genius, i tells ya!
  3. Terry Murray > Darcy Reiger Ted Nolan > Lindy Ruff Mr. Pegula, please help. signed, Anonomyous Bills fan
  5. I love our scouts! Happy Holidays and Beat the Pats
  6. Agreed that its moot of course. Not only do i not agree that Ralph would have allowed it, but id go as far to say Russ would have never even proposed it to Mr. Wilson. You and i have been following this team long enough to know that that was never Ralphs style. I think we could all agree that we have FO issues and its not scouting.
  7. Ralph would have never allowed that trade, even if we were up for SB contention. The minute they made the announcement, i said, jeesh, they better hope EJ can get him the ball or theyre gonna look like fools. Four games later they bench their QB. Just dosent seem well planned out. Seems like the move of a marketing guy trying to make a name for himself playing junior owner. Now, we have no 1st next year, no real prospects at QB and a blue chip reciever. It dosent add up to me Its just indicative of the mess thats created by having too many people in on personnal descisions. I bet Marrone was like, eh, on the Sammy trade. I wonder if they even asked him.
  8. Sammy Watkins trade is a perfect example. That deal has Russ's fingerprints all over it. Ralph would have never approved such a trade. As soon as Russ has complete power he goes and rubber stamps a huge risky deal that was poorly thought out with no viable QB option. That looks poorly thought out at this point. Now i think Sammy is great, but trading away next years first for a wide reciever on a team that needs one piece of the puzzle to win the SB would be one thing. We just simply are not in the position for Sammy to make that kind of difference.
  9. Plus those high level marketing guys are just so weasley!
  10. Yeah, thats true. We all just want a complete rounded team!
  11. I just think personnel descisions should be between the HC and GM alone. Period. I think the layers of management that our descisions have to go through undermine the true football peoples philosophies. Not to be insulting, i think Russ has been chirping in our GM's ear for too long. Im sure change is on the way
  12. Too many cooks spoil the broth. The more people involved in the descision making process on personel, often times adds up to a compromise in philosophy. Whatever system they have been using for the last 15 yrs is not working. Russ is the only constant so its natural to blame him first.
  13. They need to get Russ Brandon in space.
  14. Its not a preseason game. Its a schedualed reg season game. These guys get 16 opportunities a year to prove their worth. Its an honor and a privilege for them to take the field. And we as fans get the same, 16 games a year, offseason is too long. This is a preseason game mentality is unacceptable to me.
  15. Dont root for a loss brother, that aint cool
  16. Well, i dont know who the hells gonna walk away from 3-5 million for a years worth of work. Heres to hoping he gets his ass to mini camp, makes a commitment to the team and the other players. Gets in shape, and brings it strong next season. Heres to EJ pushing him with strong competion, them fiercly competing with each other for the starting job. And heres to Marrone getting his head out of his ass and giving up on his stubborn, writing off of certain players and giving the best man what he needs to win some games!
  17. I think Orton signed a two year 11 million dollar deal with player option for second year. Im pretty sure hed get the 5.5 million next season too, if hes on the roster
  18. Hes like the Mick Jagger of the NFL
  19. Too soon
  20. My biggest grievence is how the Bills FO has treated the QB position like an afterthought for the last 15 years.
  21. I think Orton an EJ are going to be competing for the starting job in 2015. I dont see a better option for us. Easy to say they better bring someone in, but realisticly i dont see better options available.
  22. Honestly for me its getting harder and harder to be in support of EJ, just because it seems like everyone from national media to the average peanut gallery poster here on tbd, just thinks he rots. And ive been as supportive as anyone of him. Im starting to feel like a papaya here. If Orton beats out EJ to start the season, im done with him.
  23. At this point were all just making up scenarios that fit our opinions. But your guess is as good as mine. Im seeing 7-9 after looking at the schedule again.
  24. Hey man, its Tebrow, not Tebrew!
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