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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. I dont think they were throwing the game, but Brady didnt seem to care that we got a lead on them. He was emotionless. If that game mattered... Well, youve seen how he gets on the sidelines. NE was not giving it 100% And Marrones a dick for the way he called that game. It was his superbowl and NE let him have it. He knew about Orton, and he knew what he was gonna do. I mean, what kinda coach beats Aaron Rodgers, loses to Carr and the 2-12 Raiders, then beats Brady and Belichick? It just dosent sit well with me.
  2. Tell me this, did you notice our offensive playcalling being a little out of character in the first half of that game? It seemed unusual and a little weird to me seeing the things we were trying to do and left me wondering why we hadnt been playing like that all year. Or maybe NE was letting us get away with things they normally wouldnt. Either way, i saw a NE team playing vacationball, and all i thought, during and after the game, is how they are going into the playoffs flatfooted with that effort. If they were playing to their potential, theyll be out in the first round.
  3. Yeah thats really cool!!
  4. Derek in VA, youre a soothsayer. Any thoughts on the winning powerball numbers?
  5. Did you guys see that NE effort in that game? Do you seriously think EJ wouldnt have won that game?
  6. There is nothing under the sun moon and stars that could make me care about what ESPN and NFLN say about this situation
  7. Man, what a collection of losers weve had going through the coaching turnstiles here in Buffalo over the years. I was pretty eh on Marrone, and im pretty eh on this news. I do have to say i think hes the biggest jerk weve had as HC since Greg Williams. I dont fully get the celebration of a 9-7 record, its really nothing to be excited about, especially because i view this team as pretty stacked with talent. I hope the Pegulas got what it takes to bring us to the next level. I think they have the passion to do it.
  8. Oh, you... Russ never met a billionaire he didnt like! Me, ive never met one. Bet theyre super cool though
  9. Of course they did. Russ is very very nice to billionaires.
  10. I also thank you and appreciate your clarity on the subject.
  11. Lovely, yes. As a fan and NOT an NFL exec, bring us a championship
  12. As a fan, the ultimate goal is to win a superbowl. Im not privy to the inner workings of how to run an NFL franchise and i dont really care. This Bills team is far overdue. To the posters defending Russ, i cant wrap my head around where you deep profound respect for him comes from. Under his tenure, we havent even been close to the ultimate goal. I dont give a crap if he goes or stays, i want to win a superbowl, it almost seems like thats secondary to this current FO.
  13. When speaking of "The Holy Trinity" currently being Russ, Whaley, and Marrone, until someone delivers us a Superbowl, i will not hang on any of their jocks. They all suck in my eyes, until we take our rightful place as world champs. Marketing be damned.
  14. I have to wonder if this "leak" and the one about Marrone's opt out clause, are just a messege they are both, but separatly, trying to send to the Pegulas.
  15. I will always remember Kyle Orton as the guy that quarterbacked the Bills for 12 games in 2014. Wondering if anyone bought his jersey this year.
  16. Hes been successful marketing a team in a league thats enjoyed unprecedented exponential growth in the last 20 years. Hooray for Russ. Hes a successful business man! Yay! Seriously, Yay for Russ. The Bills surely would have gone bankrupt without him. Go Russ Go! Youre my hero.
  17. If you could choose Lynch coming back to Buffalo or Swiss Chalet, which would you pick?
  18. Id trade Jerry Hughes for Winston, not Dareus though. Pretty much the only player in the NFL id trade Dareus for would be Luck. I do love the unlikely trade scenarios game.
  19. Hroniss Grasu, C, Oregon Height: 6-3. Weight: 297. Projected 40 Time: 5.10. Projected Round (2015): 2-3. Id take one of the two top centers. This guy or that other guy OP mentioned. Third round id look at QB's. Ya never know.
  20. Im thinkin Marrone would love to have him.
  21. How has this not turned into an EJ sucks thread yet?
  22. A better question would be, is if Winston falls to our first pick at #50 would you take him. And if so, how much time would you be willing to give him?
  23. Wonder how much time you guys would give him before labeling him a bust. 5-6 quarters this time?
  24. I think they'de both end with me not gettin'any, so the playoff game, i guess.
  25. Making sense has no place in this forum. Its all spouting opinionfact. Jeesh! Get with the program.
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