Were a small city that lives and dies by our team. Starved for a winning organization. Weve watched so many teams rise and fall, yearly but its never our team. I think as a whole all Buffalonians want is to catch that star once in our lifetime. We also all think we know better than anyone what a winning organization looks like, so at the first sign of weakness by the team everyones ready to pounce, and blow it up and start again.
In this modern age of paradoy in the NFL, teams rise to win it one year, and can bottom out the next. i personally only can take it so seriously, but you know, i look at it like championship or bust. 9-7 does me as much good as 2-14. If we dont win it all on any given season, we failed.
And im more than willing to offer my opinion of how to fix it and win the big one!