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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Oh I have plenty more, its just so pointless to argue with these cement heads.
  2. You EJ detractors use words like "regression", " mutiny" and "accuracy" but these are your words. No coach or real profeesional football talent evaluator has used those words. He has 2 seasons under his belt. How can you claim he's regressed? That's just a made up phrase to propel what many of you really mean, which was that you simply didn't like the pick. He's fine, he hasn't regressed, why are we blaming the FO for drafting him. Who else should they have taken. What franchise QB's are there for the Bills. What tree are franchise QB's falling from? There been no one! What vetern QB's have been available to man the ship while the prospect develops and learns the intricacies of the position. Kolb, Orton, and now, Cassel. That's who. That's the best that has been available to us. So many of you guys are "blaming" Whaley for not making the playoffs with these guys. "Blaming" EJ for not leading us to playoffs yet. C'mon men, get your heads screwed on straight. Quit arguing just to argue, and give up the position you took 2 1\2 years ago, because this is not 2013, let EJ sit behind Cassel and Tyrod, if that's how it's gonna be, and when we do get the chance to see him play, evaluate him on what he does now, not what you didn't like about a pick from a few years ago.
  3. C'mon now. Words are weapons. You shouldnt post on days when you skip your meds.
  4. Sorry Leroy but im gonna have to agree with that as basic common knowledge and side with Kelly over you on this one.
  5. Right on, i was gonna say, i have a hat made of bacon!
  6. We all are certainly entitled to our opinions. Thats the beauty of this intricatly woven tapesty of a forum we have here. If EJ gets cut in 2015, ill eat my hat and post it on youtube and post the link here for you
  7. Watch Brady get the four full games and still win the frickin frackin Superbowl again this year. Like Jordan, the more you piss him off, the better he gets. That Tom Brady, he's just so smug. I can't stand him!
  8. I'm trying to provide a balanced counter argument. He has won games for us, he has looked great at the end of games, 2 minute situations, under pressure. I do not trust Marrone, and Rex has his favorite. The media wants clicks, and I am not feeling the Tyrod love. I make my mind up on my own, not by what I'm told.
  9. . Wow man, just wow. Well, it gets cold in Buffalo, a guys gotta keep his finger warm somehow...
  10. I'm saying that if you want to compare him to the worst of the worst, its fair to compare to the best. Because I do not believe he's the worst of the worst. I believe he falls as close to Losman as he does to Manning. Those are the two extremes here. Statistically, he can be compared to the better QB's in similar game starts. Eye test, maybe you can equate him with Losman. There's so many staunch takes of guys on here that are like, "I know football, I know when a guys got it and when he doesn't and he just don't" on here its maddening to me. And all this said, I don't care if he sits at 3rd all season and gets traded, I just don't see where he flat out sucks though. And if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.
  11. Jeesh! That pic! What the hell is that guy doing to her?
  12. Thing is though, Fun, with all due respect, is he's not JP Loseman. That's not debatable. He's EJ Manuel. As much as you can compare him to the bottom of the barrel, you can compare him to the top of the heap as well. And I don't care, leave him at 3, but I'd love to see a QB that can sling the ball down field. I don't want a glorified running back at QB, and I don't necessarily want a screen pass guy back there either. I want a big play guy. But most of all, I just wanna see the Bills win, win, win!
  13. Lemme guess, you've been following his career since FSU, you knew he'd never amount to anything even way back then, just ask the Floridians. Trent Edwards, JP Loseman, Rob Johnson, blah blah blah. We've heard it all before. Keep on truckin' brother.
  14. See, that's what I mean, bringing up Losman? What's it gonna be 2030 and were still gonna be complaining about what a bust EJ is? Thanks for helping me prove my point
  15. The media has been all over Tyrod as the fan favorite. And for a bit I couldn't figure it out, but I now think its just coming from the fact that we as Bills fans are so starved for a good QB, that collectively everyone's jumping on the "hell, he's not EJ" bandwagon. May the best QB win.
  16. What is it about EJ that makes him such a polarizing figure in Buffalo sports history. I get the feeling were going to be arguing about him for the next 20 years. Like, seriously, he's not going to be cut, and he's not going to be "out of the league" in 2016. Hes been drafted by a real NFL organization, he's going into his third year, for chrissakes, and he's not going anywhere. The guys got mad football skills, and some team, at some point, is going to get production out of him. But, yeah, it sucks he hasn't led the Bills to the playoffs yet. To run him out of town because you don't like him, because you think he was a reach at 16 overall? That's nuts, and I seriously ask, which QB's light the league on fire in their first two seasons? No need to answer, I know the names and its a very very short list. Ive made my opinion well known on here and I'm going into this season as a Bills fan, not an EJ supporter or detractor. Might be nice to see people on this board to put down their swords, quit insulting each other for the stance we all are taking on EJ's development. Hardly a bust, and certainly not a hall of famer. Like most players he falls somewhere in the middle. So, to the people being so absolute on him, and I respect many of the long time posters on here's knowledge. But your astute football knowledge hasn't landed you the big scouting job that you may or may not be qualified for. Don't even know why I'm hitting the post button, most of youse made your mind up two and a half years ago. And frankly, makes you look stupid.
  17. Oops, guess I should read the whole thread first.
  18. If they're Americas team, why are we the ones wearing red, white, and blue?
  19. Don't you mean a gang of EJ haters. Just kidding this debate is sapping my strength just reading it. Go Bills, may the best QB win.
  20. If he ends up at #3 this season, he's gotta be the best #3 in the league. And this business better get the fire burning in his belly. I almost think that's what Rex is going for here.
  21. Yeah, this is getting weird indeed
  22. EJ's kinda turning into the Rodney Dangerfield of the NFL. I've been a strong supporter of his but I'm starting to waver this year and trusting Rex is going to do the best for the team. His chances, as much as I wish it could be different, seem pretty slim. I'm also thinking at this rate he will not be on this team in 2016. If this is gonna be the way things go, I don't think I even want him on the team anymore. I'm choosing 1-25%
  23. Wasn't there talk of IK being suspended for cleaning Geno's clock?
  24. Well, the thread title does say EJ will be cut. That does suggest some instability.
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