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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. Schoop goin off about ez pass for like 15 mins right now And yeah awesome to see the thread calling for an end of whining on wgr, ends up with guys whining about Ej supportors
  2. I'm truly loving the optimism! Hope for the best, but expect the worst. I'm thinking, statistically, OBJ has better stats than Sammy in our game against the Giants.
  3. I don't know what the hell the Germans have to do with any of this!
  4. I do miss the days of actual football analysis in the afternoons. Many of the callers, that I hear at least. Seem to be guys who are sitting in a bar on weekday afternoons.
  5. I predict losses against Indy and NY, because even with our defense, I think top tier QB's could give us trouble. Aggressive defense can be game planned for, and our secondary may be able to be exploited by the real good experienced quarterbacks.
  6. Hahahahah! You win the internet for the day!
  7. Predictions and scores for first four games, regardless of who starts at QB, where do you see us at. Week 1: Indy 27 Bills 20 L Week 2: NE 17 Bills 24 W Week 3: Miami 10 Bills 24 W Week 4: Giants 23 Bills 21 L I see us 2-2 winning our division games. Let's go Buffalo!
  8. It's gonna get ugly when we lose a game or two with Tyrod or Cassel back there. The big guns will be coming out
  9. Tom Brady does it, with him its labled whining. Every QB has a different personality, but the greats take exactly zero crap from the guys around them. If Kelly played today, he'd be chewing asses left and right. EJ has the arm, the smarts, and the althletisism, his downfall will be his command. That's what he may not have, and I think deep down, that's what his detractors hang their hat on, his lack of command.
  10. Kidding aside, I do think that's one of, if not the biggest knock on EJ, he needs to learn to be a leader and command the offense. In last week's preseason game, when he was getting shelled by the Browns defensive line, 3rd string o-line or not, he should have been in those guys faces basically screaming at them and telling them how to do their job. Remember how Kelly used to be, he would never have let his o-line pull that crap. The great QB's simply elevate the guys around them. There's still lots of time for EJ, would be great to see it click with him, and if not, throw him on the scrap heap.
  11. No dude, that guy would destroy EJ, we don't wanna get him killed, just noticed. I electb Woods
  12. Rex wants to build a bully, right? My best advice to EJ, if he wants to win the starting job, is this. Go out and punch someone in the face. Doesn't matter who it is, maybe Wood, would be a good choice, maybe Woods would be a better statement. Or even a defensive guy, but someone, anyone. Just punch someone EJ, I guarantee, Rex notices you, rest of the team notices, national media, etc. C'mon EJ, just punch somebody!
  13. Remember that video Freddy shot of them celebrating in the locker room after a win and they dumped the gatorade on Marrone. The look on his face was priceless. He looked liked, semi pissed and thinking to himself "im gonna make um run extra laps for that"
  14. Wow, great to see resounding fan support for Matt Cassel. Hope Roman knows what hes doing, if Cassel is truly his guy.
  15. I thought it was the cool kids slang for brother these days. As in "Yo Bromide, who you thinks gonna start foe Qb for da Bills this year?"
  16. http://articles.philly.com/1988-11-04/sports/26247434_1_smith-and-bennett-coach-marv-levy-sacks Could you find something that proves it? Last month, defensive end Bruce Smith's dance after he had sacked the Jets' Ken O'Brien drew a shove from Jets offensive lineman Ted Banker. Last season, Smith and Bennett unveiled a dance patterned after the mock heart attacks suffered by Red Foxx's character in the '70s sitcom, "Sanford and Son." The ''Fred Sanford Sack Attack" consisted of stumbling while placing one hand over the chest and extending the other arm out to the side. And dont even bring up the icky shuffle! I started that! He stole it from me and thats why i hate the bengals to this day!
  17. Hey, I'm gonna have to back off the EJ thing because he's probably, truly our 3rd string QB. As a matter of fact, I'd put money on it. I think it's probably just a group of grumpy old guys with too much time on their hands argueing this at this point (points to myself). I'm not sure our QB situation is as good as we'd like to think it is right now, with the guys on the roster and the beginning of our schedule, may get ugly if we lose a couple games, hell, Indy might be the favorite for the SB this year. This really is the best time of year to be abills fan, from the draft to the beginning of the season,then the bullets fly, and you all know the rest. Right now, I, we, still have hope so Go Bills.
  18. Ej scored points with his arm, through the air with lesser quality players and under adversity. Tyrod on the ground, with his legs with a lot of help from his supporting cast.. I'm not a stat guy so I can't throw numbers out at you. I'm more of a "I'll defend my guy to the end" kinda person. I'm also not gonna shed a tear or be embarrassed if I'm wrong. I stand by what I believe. As far as all these players, some I like some I don't, just like you, just like all of us. I don't care for Tyrod as our starting QB at this point. EJ Manuel is my best hope for sustained success for the Bills, right now, with who we have on our roster. I felt this way last year, and I feel that way this year. Whether that pans out or not I do not know. But I wanted to see more last year, and I want to see more this year. Until he's cut, or takes us through a season where its indisputable that he's bad or good or great or mediocre.
  19. He wasn't being mean, but if you read what he posted his last sentence was" I'm not trying to be mean or anything" something like that, I was just mostly kidding about that part. And hey, someone's gotta defend EJ! His O-line sure hasn't!
  20. I think EJ has better potential for the long ball threat than Tyrod, so in my eyes I'll take a multi dimensional offense over what I think may be a one dimensional attack from Tyrod. I prefer a pocket passer. And keep you're stats cuz those are easily disputed by the quality of players around each one of them during those drives, so lets not play the stat manipulation game. Be as mean as you want, were all big boys here, I assume. Don't try and spare my feelings cuz I won't spare yours And call me when Tyrod puts the ball on the money for a 20-30 yrd touchdown pass. Regardless, defending EJ's play is a fools mission at this point, I realize that.
  21. My opinion, im not lobbying for the coaches to listen to me. I defer to Rex and Roman and will cheer and support our starting QB. But, dang, I seen him throw td's, you seen him throw td's, we all seen it. That's what I like in football, seeing my team throw for td's, that's what I wanna see all season long, td's. 7 points, not field goals, not screen passes not scrambling for 12 yrds. TD passes. Then I read the practice thread from last night and I see he hit a camera man and thre w a couple int's, so what the hell do I know. Our roster is stacked, gotta make the most out of it this year, I trust Rex and Roman to do the best to win. So bring on Cassel, I still love what I've seen from EJ as a Bill, epic fail or not.
  22. It's freaking mind boggeling to me that the only guy throwing for touchdowns, with style and authority, this preseason is the guy so many of you insist is a project and deserves third string. Brilliant logic gentlemen. And I apologize if I seem a little aggrevated by that.
  23. I think it should be Romans call, with legit input and of course approval from Rex. I'd imagine Roman has more than proved himself as the offensive mind here and I think the best expert on QB's on our coaching staff is Roman. I mean, that's kinda, his specialty, right? Rex needs to let him make the call, in my eyes.
  24. I'm far, very very far from sold on Tyrod. I didn't even say the "M" word, you did. As far as Darby, for the short time he's been here there's been a lot of knee jerk about him, I think he's gonna be real good.
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