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Everything posted by TSOL

  1. He's taking lots of callers because he doesn't know what to say. Last segment had some goofball call in, schoop hung up on him, but Tom got him back and made schoop talk to him. Was definatly a prank call too
  2. Schoop is so uncomfortable right now. The commercials are actually a welcome change from his backpedaling
  3. Put on GR right now if you can! It's freaking hysterical! Schoop squirming in his seat! You can hear the sweat dropping from his brow over the air
  4. No exaggeration in football. Either you throw a strike or you don't.
  5. Schoop and Paul Hamilton, so out of their element. We really need some football analysts
  6. Oh god, Paul Hamilton...
  7. All good, man,I think we're all just scrambling to keep up with this thread and the news right now
  8. I think they fired Schoop. It's Sal Cappachios sports hour now
  9. Having your QB scramble in the red zone is a recipe for disaster, yes, not enough to go on with his body of work so far. But Tyrods stlye is pretty evident, as is EJ's. Being able to pass hard down where the field is shortened keeps defenses honest. When a QB starts running around down there the defense can just tee off. It's why through the history of the NFL, its the great PASSERS win it all. Not the scramblers. That was my point the other day when I said something about TD passes, vs. IDC how we score. I do care how we score, we need a passer, and to my eyes, EJ is more that guy than the other two.
  10. you need your QB to be able to throw strikes in the red zone. How can you possibly dispute that?
  11. I personally think its most definitely 33% apiece. As many have said, there's no way Rex wastes reps in the 3rd preseason game on a guy that has a 10-15% chance of starting
  12. EJ lovers = meat lovers pizza from pizza hut
  13. I dont see a huge advantage of keeping tbe starter under wraps at this point. Is it crazy to think the coaches honestly havent made up their mind yet?
  14. #killyourcredibilty
  15. Now dont screw it all up EJ!!
  16. Twist words much? I never compared him to Kelly. You posting those two ints is absurd. Quartebacks throw ints, and win games nature of the business. Running Qbs do not throw as many simple as that. If want a QB with no interceptions, Tyrods probably youre best bet, thats all i wanted to point out. I think Tyrods gonna break our heart personally
  17. You clearly are not open to any sort of reasonable debate
  18. Hes not JP Losman either
  19. You ever see Jim Kelly play those 4 int games that we still won?
  20. Only way for an NFl QB to NOT throw int's is to not throw at all. So maybe Tyrod is tge perfect guy for you
  21. Startin Tyrod is gonna be like EJ startin to smoke cigarettes, its gonna stunt my boys growth!
  22. See that's the rub though Dave, Tyrod hasn't produced. He hasn't proven he can throw for a touchdown, which is what makes him one dimensional. If I see it, what do you think opposing DC's are gonna do. They are going to tear him, and our running game apart! It's great that he moves the chains, but once he gets into the red zone, where the field gets small, and he takes off, he's gonna be eaten alive. Our offense is unproven, as much as we as Bills fans want to be optimistic on the season, our offense is not going to be taken seriously by other coaches til we prove it. We need a guy back there that can hit the intermediate to longer passes. It's the only way to win in the league. To prove, that even when game planned against we will still beat you. The only way to do that is with pinpoint passes downfield. EJ is undoubtedly the best guy for that job. Starting either one of the other two guys is just Rex stroking himself. And how the hell did you beat me to 1000 posts?? Nothing at all, its a boring no news day so far so this place needs a good argument to spruce things up.
  23. Make no mistake Tyrod is ALL running QB. It is undeniably his greatest strength, his legs. He is one dimensional and does not scare anyone with his arm. This will be proved if Rex does as I expect, and starts his "fav" Tyrods gonna break your heart, son. The run first guys always do. You're the first guy in the "Hey, he's not EJ so he must be good" line. I see it in all your posts. Tyrod is less proven than EJ even and you jumped on that bandwagon immediately. I'll be here to remind you after a few games this season of that fact as well. Long live the pocket passer!! But for arguments sake, name me your favorite run first QB?
  24. God it's so boring around here when everyone agrees, or argues reasonably. I think EJ should start because the other two guys SUCK! Id rather have Orton again than Cassel, I think Orton is a better QB than "Sand" Cassel. And as far as Tyrod, he's only getting the media love and uneducated fan support because he's not EJ. So everyone's trying to latch on to Tyrod, thinking he's the next best thing, only because we haven't seen him play. Where with EJ, most of you have already made up your mind about him. But think about this, what running QB has had success in the NFL? Think of the greatest running QB's, we know the names, I'm not going to list them here. What physical state are those guys in, what has any running QB ever won? Those guy, the great ones, are a mess and a shell of themselves very very quickly within a couple seasons. Tyrod is not Mike Vick, RG 3, or Russel Wilson, he's not even close to those guys. And those guys are a wreck! I hesitate to even put Wilson in that category because he has such a unique skill set and has greatly benefitted from an organization with with ALOT going for them. Its just come together for Wilson in a better than perfect system, so lets not even attempt to compare any of these guys to him, because he can elude the rush, but he can put a dagger through your heart with his arm. Cassel sucks Tyrod sucks (Rex definatly plays favorites) Must start EJ Anything else would be idiotic!
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